
Paige Jones

Cardiac Care (Professional Practice)

After studying her undergraduate degree in operating department practice (ODP), Paige had a passion to develop her specialism further within her role as anaesthetic ODP in cardiac theatres. So, she started our professional practice course in cardiac care, and has been excelling in her role since with a boost in confidence.

“I’ve always wanted to further develop my knowledge and skills, ever since graduating from my BSc Operating Department Practice course. Firstly I wanted to make sure I found some time to consolidate my undergraduate knowledge to allow me to develop and grow in confidence as an individual practitioner. Once I felt comfortable in my area of work, I then found the cardiac care course which I knew from the start was completely related to the operating theatres I was working in and every module was related to my everyday work to allow me to progress and pass on my new knowledge to others.

Due to my current shift pattern within the cardiac theatres, it means I have one day off in the week, which is the day I am able to attend University and catch up on any outstanding work. If I am not on call, I complete the rest of my work at the weekends. When comparing this postgraduate course with my undergraduate Operating Department Practice course, despite me having to work full-time and having on call commitments now, this current course is so related to my current job role and area that I feel that completing the modules is just relating the course content to my everyday work which comes naturally to me.

The course will allow me to be able to progress in my current role; with me undertaking this Cardiac Care course it shows that I am continuing my professional development and expanding my knowledge of my current speciality. With this extra qualification, it will give me more chances to be able to pass on my knowledge gained to other members of staff and will allow me to progress onto higher bands and become a team leader in my current department. This course will also allow me to branch out with opportunities in other areas of the hospital such as the Accident and Emergency Department and the Intensive Care Units.

I’m very passionate about my course, because I have been able to have a free choice of topics within the modules which has enabled me to focus on the areas of my clinical practice that interest me the most. The degree has given me the opportunity to broaden my knowledge in my area of interest which has enabled me to use this during my everyday practice. All three modules are very much related to my everyday role as an Anaesthetic ODP in cardiac theatres and I have already been able to apply some of my knowledge and understanding gained on this course to my clinical practice.

During my time as a postgraduate student here at BCU, I have found it more enjoyable and relaxing and I have felt that there has been less pressure with this course. These feelings have all been due to having more confidence gained from my previous studying, more knowledge and experience to start the course with and already having studied at university level, it has helped me meet the requirements and demands of the course more easily.

I think undergraduate health courses at BCU allow you to learn the skills necessary to pursue a career in the healthcare sector. However, the postgraduate health courses at BCU allow you to further develop the skills you have graduated with to allow further progression to higher and more specialised roles in healthcare. Further study gives you more confidence and drive to be able to progress.

BCU has given me pride, confidence and has made me feel proud of my achievements and I feel honoured to be able to have carried on with my post graduate study here. It is good to know that there are opportunities for me to be able to progress with my studying right on my doorstep and next to my place of work.”

Nursing I AM BCU CTA

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