29 courses found , showing results 1 to 20
Academic Writing Workshops (Co-developing STEM-related papers for publication)
CPD | 2024/25 entry
Learn how to write a research paper for publication, including how to convert research ideas, project outputs, organisation achievements and research progress into a high-quality paper for publication.
Best Interest Assessor - 20 credits
CPD | 2024/25 entry
The key educational aim of the course is to ensure that you recognise your role in the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards implementation. This includes a strong commitment to Human Rights, ADP and ensuring the principles of...
Care and Prevention of Diabetes Related Complications - 20 credits - Module
CPD | 2024/25 entry
Critically examining the knowledge, evidence and competencies to work at a higher level of practice to respond to prevention of complication of diabetes, and / or active evidence based management to prolong independence and...
Care Coordination Course - Short Course - PCI Accredited
CPD | 2024/25 entry
Birmingham City University, in partnership with Undivided Training Ltd have developed care coordination training that offers a practical, step-by-step approach for the implementation of safe and effective care coordination. The...
Certification of Competence in Administering Intravenous Injections for Radiographers
CPD | 2024/25 entry
This course is aimed at registered / practising radiographers who wish to develop skills in intravenous injection. This course is designed to enable practitioners to gain accreditation for intravenous injection skills and to be able to practice safely within a written scheme of work.
Children and Young People's Diabetes Care - Module
CPD | 2025/26 entry
This multi-disciplinary online module, is intended for practitioners from a variety of backgrounds in diabetes care who wish to develop their knowledge, understanding and competencies. To undertake advanced clinical assessments,...
Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Blended delivery
CPD | 2025/26 entry
This course provides self-paced blended learning with a requirement to attend in-person classes on alternate Saturdays over the duration of the course. The course follows the Cisco Networking Academy Curricula for CCNA v7 in...
Cisco Networking Essentials (NE) Blended Delivery
CPD | 2023/24 entry
As digital technology becomes essential to every part of the global economy, the demand for innovative, tech-savvy people keeps growing. Networking Essentials introduces you to the networking concepts that underlie the digital...
Co-developing a real Smart City: planning for future of living
CPD | 2024/25 entry
A comprehensive and unique course, comprising training workshops in three levels, using LEGO® Serious Play. Learn about smart city development in topic areas, system, process, data, people, and technology in an innovative way....
Community Practice Teaching: Education and Practice - 20 credits - Module
CPD | 2024/25 entry
This Level 7 module aims to make explicit the expectations of an advanced level of practice demonstrated by registered nurses and midwives who will have completed a Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) approved field specific...
Conservation of the Historic Environment - Short Courses
CPD | 2024/25 entry
Birmingham City University is offering workshops in Conservation of the Historic Environment which can be attended individually as elements of CPD training accredited by the IHBC (Institute of Historic Building Conservation). ...
Debridement Techniques in Practice Workshop
CPD | 2024/25 entry
These ongoing events will be primarily hands-on experience working under direct supervision of expert practitioners. Who should attend? Practitioners from the field of wound healing/management seeking to develop their...
Discovering a Nursing Career in General Practice - NA
CPD | 2024/25 entry
This new and innovative module CNO 002 Discovering a Nursing Career in General Practice is an essential starting point for registered nurses and associate nurses wanting to develop a career in the general practice setting. The...
Effective Diabetes Care for Pregnancy - 10 credits - Module
CPD | 2024/25 entry
This module offers qualified health practitioners working with people experiencing diabetes an advanced career pathways which include higher level specialist practice, career progression in diabetes care, research development,...
Effective Person-centred Diabetes Education - 20 credits - Module
CPD | 2024/25 entry
This module emphasises the individual lived experience of diabetes in an age-appropriate way. The holistic nature of diabetes and effective engagement during person-centred contact is critically examined. Reflection of ‘Making...
Leadership in Diabetes Care - 10 credits - Module
CPD | 2025/26 entry
Our leadership in diabetes care module acknowledges that health professionals play a pivotal role in the experience of people living with diabetes. Interdisciplinary team working in partnership with people experiencing diabetes...
Management of Childhood Diabetes
CPD | 2023/24 entry
This is a flexible work-based learning course led by a core team of leading diabetes educators and practitioners from Birmingham Women’s and Children’s Hospital Paediatric Diabetes Team. The course combines theory with clinical...
Non-medical Prescribing for Health Care Professionals (Level 6) - 40 credits
CPD | 2025/26 entry
The course meets the requirements and standards of both the NMC and HCPC and prepares you to prescribe safely and competently as an independent prescriber or supplementary prescriber to meet the needs of clients/patients and carers with whom you work.
Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes - 20 credits - Module
CPD | 2025/26 entry
The module provides insight into screening and detection methods for obesity and type 2 diabetes and will consider the evidence base to both prevent and manage these conditions at both an individual and a population level.
Physical Activity Management in Diabetes Care - 10 credits - Module
CPD | 2024/25 entry
Health professionals, working with people living with diabetes can take the opportunity to extend the breadth, depth and complexity of their individual erudition and practice in relation to the promotion and inclusion of...
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