Basic Life Support for People with Distorted Body Shapes

Current literature including existing national BLS training indicates that correct placement of the hands on the chest during chest compressions is essential for effective cardio pulmonary resuscitation. However, it has been well documented in the learning disability and child nursing community that the distorted body shape that children, young people and adults may have makes identification of these landmarks extremely difficult.

In response staff within the Faculty have developed an App to help carers and health care workers understand how to effectively perform basic life support in people with distorted body shapes. OSIME are contributing to app deployment, and to a number of enhancements to the App content and visuals.

Academic Leads: Dr Andrea Page – Associate Professor – Learning Disability Nursing;  Stefan Cash -Senior Lecturer – Child Field Nursing

3D Design:  Mark Richards – 3D Designer, OSIME RDG

App deployment: Dr Xi Guo – Software Engineer, OSIME RDG