Our Vision and Aims

Our Vision

“To be an objective, trusted, credible source of coordinated care intelligence, analysis, and evidence for the health and social care system.”

Our Aims

  • To develop evidence-based education and professional development programmes for health care and allied professionals involved in the coordinated care activities
  • To establish standards for education and professional development for health care and social care
  • Through applied research and knowledge exchange improve the wellbeing of our local population by helping to solve a key priority for West Midlands health and social care organisations
  • To establish a dedicated research programme which will provide an evidence base for practice
  • To collaborate with service users to inform education, practice and research

 Why is coordinating care important?

Improving coordinated care is important to stakeholders at multiple levels within health and social care systems: policy-makers who aim to provide care efficiently to populations of patients; clinicians who aim to deliver high-quality, high-value care to individuals, and ultimately patients themselves and their families, who experience the benefits or shortfalls of coordination and often play an active role in coordinating their own care, whether by choice or out of necessity.

The drive to integrate social care and health services, has also resulted in the increasing growth in roles that need coordinated care. There has been a steady increase in the interest in developing and commissioning coordinating care role. The need to improve and develop coordinated care was highlighted in the Five Year Forward View as a mechanism to support improved integrated care across health and social care.

As coordinated care is becoming more important, it’s vital to continue to make meaningful strides forward to further develop and guide this growing part of the workforce.