Mapping Resources

The mapping will be achieved through a kick-off symposium that will be bring together researchers, practitioners and interested stake-holders to ‘map’ the field of gender and leadership in Vietnam. This mapping work will refer to the policy context, research literature and ‘grey literature’ and will be summarized in a literature review that will be submitted for publication. The mapping process and the assets and resources that relate to it will be archived on here on the EnPOWER website on this page.

Kick-off symposium and a final symposium

The kick-off symposium took place on 28 June 2022 and included contributions from key researchers as well as inputs from women leaders, policy-makers and senior leaders with responsibility for people development in HE settings. This event brought together key stake-holders into dialogue to identify key issues and concerns and agenda for change. The kick-off symposium also helped to frame the production of the literature review.

There are various resources associated to this event which can be access through this webpage which includes:

The symposium included a Welcome and Introduction from:

There was a Panel Presentation around the ‘life as a woman leader’ and the powerpoints can be accessed below:

The symposium also included EnPOWER Project Next Steps presentations which can be accessed from this webpage:

  • Dr Amanda French - EnPOWER Next Steps 1: Join the Community of Practice: Life as a woman leader.
  • Dr Kate Carruthers Thomas - EnPOWER Next Steps 2: Join the Visual ethnographyResearching lived experience as a woman leader in HE

Literature review

This literature review was undertaken between April and July 2022 and explored the policy context at national, regional and institutional levels as well as research literature and grey literature. In the summer 2022, a recommendations for change document was created.

Read an update on the literature review and this symposium which was presented by Dr Julia Everitt.

Download a copy of this literature review written by Dr Julia Everitt.

Final symposium

The final symposium for the EnPOWER project took place on 24 March 2023. It was a hybrid event that ran face-to-face at The University of Education, Vietnam National University, Hanoi and online to enable international participants to join.


Presenter and University

1) The University of Education Leader’s speech

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quy Thanh
Rector of the University of Education, Vietnam National University, Hanoi

2) The British Council Leader in Vietnam’s speech

3) Introduction to the project EnPOWER

Dr. Doan Nguyet Linh
The University of Education, Vietnam National University, Hanoi

4) Feedback on survey findings + discussion

Dr. Nguyen Thi Thu Trang
HCMC University of Education

5) Peer researchers Creative activity on the day – artefact /carrier bag. Everyone to bring an object that says something about the professional life in HE – for discussion in small groups.

Dr. Doan Nguyet Linh
The University of Education, Vietnam National University, Hanoi

Dr. Nguyen Thi Thu Trang
HCMC University of Education

6) Introducing the EnPOWER Project

Dr Alex Kendall
LSBE University, UK

7) Creating a community of practice and collective ethnography about women leaders in HE in Vietnam

Dr Amanda French
Birmingham City University, UK

8) EnPOWER Literature Review: Structural and Conceptual Themes

Dr Julia Everitt
Birmingham City University, UK

9) Peer Researchers – what participation looked like and visual platforms

Dr Amanda French
Birmingham City University, UK.

Dr Kate Curruthers-Thomas
Birmingham City University, UK

10) Sustaining our community of practice and collective ethnography about women leaders in HE in Vietnam

Dr Amanda French
Birmingham City University, UK