Lukmon at Mercedes-Benz Grand Prix

Lukmon Adebesin spent his placement year working for the Mercedes-Benz Grand Prix team as they landed the Formula 1 World Championship. As an IT Operations Analyst, he was involved in a range of tasks including data analysis, report creation and technical support, liaising with end users and third-party suppliers.

“The highlight of the year was when we won the championship – it was one of the best days of my life, seeing over 800 staff gathered together celebrating the championship with the drivers and board members. Also, winning the championship meant every staff gets a bonus!  I now know how IT enhances Formula One cars’ performances and the impact IT can have on organisations. 

“I think doing a placement year has improved my employability. I have already been getting phone calls from recruitment agencies about when I'd be available. I would definitely advise any students to opt for a placement year to boost their employability.”