Computer science and informatics
REF 2014 Highlights
Over 80% of outputs internationally recognised or better
60% of impact judged either 'very considerable' or 'outstanding'
One of our new UoAs submitted, a fantastic debut performance
Work for the Computer Science and Informatics unit is carried out in the Faculty of Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment (CEBE). In the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014, over 80% of our outputs were internationally recognised or better, a strong debut performance.
See our full UoA 11 submission on the REF 2014 website
We have more recently focused on developing research strength in a number of key areas including digital media technologies, cyber security, software engineering and knowledge based engineering. The growing quality of this was evidenced by one third of the publications from this research being judged as being internationally excellent.
The REF 2014 results present an early snapshot in the growth of our computing research both in quantity and quality. For example, in the one year since the REF submission was made we have already had more than 40 refereed publications accepted in highly rated journals and conferences, and have doubled our PhD population to more than 30 students.

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