Luisa Huggins

Luisa Huggins works as a media and communications manager for the Westside business improvement district in Birmingham. She graduated from the BA Media and Communications course in 2019.

What is your job title/ company and what does your job actually entail day-to-day?

I am the Media and Communications Manager for the Westside Business Improvement District. My role is to run the media department and help raise the profile of some of Birmingham’s most loved destinations. I work closely with media outlets to produce content that promotes the district and highlights the diverse range of businesses within it. In my role, I also coordinate events that help to drive footfall or bespoke events businesses every day is different. due to the nature of my role, There are also occasions where I am required to speak on a certain topic for the news or radio, the organisation acts as a lobbying voice for the District. I also work closely with businesses to help identify and implement a robust media strategy that will increase their brand awareness. My role requires me to wear multiple hats, but BCU fully equipped me for my managerial role.

How easy or difficult was it for you to find work in the media when you first left BCU, and is the role you’re doing now what you wanted to do/ or what you thought you’d be doing when you initially left uni?

I was extremely fortunate, in finding my graduates job because I maintained contacts and continued to network with previous work experience hosts. Once successfully completing my placement in year one I maintained a healthy working relationship with my ex-colleagues. The role I’m currently in is an organisation that I visited during my work placement at BCU. I can’t stress the importance of networking and building your contact list. During my time at university, my dream job was to be a presenter, however, after graduating I found myself working in a corporate setting but doing what I love.

What do you enjoy most about your job role specifically?

The thing I enjoy most about my job is that I’m able to produce creative content for businesses in a geographically defined part of Birmingham, a city that I love! I also love the fact that no week is the same and I meet lots of different people, it’s my dream job.

What do you find most challenging or difficult about working within your sector and about your job role specifically?

The thing I find most challenging about working in my sector is ensuring that I’m continuously up-to-date with current media trends and platforms. The world we live in is continuously evolving therefore as media professionals we must ensure that we follow those trends were appropriate and provide the very best results.

What skills do you think you learnt at BCU have helped the most within your career? 

Birmingham City University allowed me to develop my critical thinking abilities. Running a department, there are scenarios where I am required to think on the spot and implement a resolution, however, BCU ensured that I was fully equipped with all the skills and knowledge to make me a quick-thinking and confident media professional. I also enjoyed actively taking part in practical assignments which enabled me to strengthen my communications skills, which is an extremely valuable and important skill to attain within the industry.

What advice do you have for new students starting BCU in September 2021?

To the students starting university in 2021, I want them to know that they are about to embark on one of the best experiences of their lives. I highly recommend them to get involved with all aspects of their chosen field, so they develop a wealth of knowledge which they can incorporate into their career. Work experience was one of my favourite aspects of my academic experience, however, I still actively seek work experience opportunities to develop my skill set. I’ve completed work experience in a variety of settings, including live events, big tv outlets, PR corporations and much more. Without those experiences, I wouldn’t be the person I am today.

Do you have a piece of advice for Students leaving and graduating uni in 2021?

Work experience was one of my favourite aspects of my academic experience, however, I still actively seek work experience opportunities to develop my skill set. I’ve completed work experience in a variety of settings, including live events, big tv outlets, PR corporations and much more. Without those experiences, I wouldn’t be the person I am today. Thank you BCU!