Research projects

WebCorp: harnessing the web as linguistic resource in research, teaching and beyond

The WebCorp suite of tools is comprised of three versions of the software that build on one another to provide linguistic web analysis for research, teaching and beyond.

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eMargin: collaborative text annotation tool

eMargin is an online collaborative annotation tool that lets you highlight, colour-code, write notes and assign tags t...

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Linguistic and socio-legal analysis of online forums for Litigants in Person

The project explored the online provision of information and advice directed at parents who turn to social media or on...

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To detect and monitor terrorist activity, Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) increasingly rely on social media intelligenc...

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OurSurveySays: online dashboard for the analysis of text-based survey responses

OurSurveySays is an online service for the analysis of open-text survey questions using Corpus Linguistic techniques. ...

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World War One football stories

Dr Islam Issa reviewed thousands of archives, letters and documents from the First World War, revealing how frequently...

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Repulsion: The investigation of an organising force in text

Exploring the instances of language whereby pairs of words are discouraged from appearing together, or are 'repulsed' ...

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Milton in the Arab Muslim world

In the first full length study of John Milton's influence in the Arab world, Dr Islam Issa reveals the poet's influenc...

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SITCO 3: Investigating multimodal interaction in storytelling

Utilising a multimodal approach, including conversation analytics and eye-tracking technology, this project aims to an...

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The most profitable words on eBay

BCU researchers have analysed over 68,000 eBay listings in order to find the most successful language used on the onli...

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Revealing the impact of Muslim soldiers in World War One

Dr Islam Issa, a Senior Lecturer in English Literature at Birmingham City University, has increased knowledge and unde...

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XTranscript and the CASE XML Conversion Tool

The Research Development Unit for English Studies have developed a number of tools to assist quantitative language rese...

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The real voice of Elizabeth Siddall

Elizabeth Siddall was an important and influential artist and poet during the 19 th  century, but did her published ...

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TRAC:COVID – Trust and Communication: A Coronavirus Online Visual Dashboard

Developing a dashboard to track hitherto under-explored online conversations surrounding COVID-19, to provide valuable...

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Everything to Everybody

Working with multiple partners to revive Birmingham's Shakespeare Memorial Library, the world's first great Shakespeare...

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Blindness, Literature and Religion

The first survey and analysis of the cultural and literary impacts of blindness in the Arab world. 

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Games and the Teaching of Literature

Evaluating the effect of education games on the learning and teaching of English literature.

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Shakespeare in the Middle East

Islam's research as one of the AHRC and BBC New Thinkers aimed to continue building British national identity by celeb...

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Language of DIY Justice: Communication practices and processes

Exploring the world of DIY justice and how those who represent themselves in court navigate the many communication pit...

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