Vocational training for physiotherapists

This project aims to improve the lives of children with complex disabilities by trailing early intervention methods using online modules.


Carolyn Blackburn

Research background

The project is funded by Erasmus+ and involves partners from Turkey, Portugal, the UK and other parts of Europe. These partners include Praxis Europe, Minho University, Spastic Children’s Foundation of Turkey, Eurlyaid (European Association on Early Childhood Intervention), The Associação de Paralisia Cerebral de Braga (APCB) and the Ministry of Family and Social Policies General Directorate for Disabled and Elderly Services, Turkey as well as Birmingham City University.

Research aims

The aim of the project is to share interprofessional practice about family-centred early childhood intervention for children with complex disabilities, through a series of mobility meetings and the development of a suite of online modules.  There will also be country reports and a comparative report.

How is the research being carried out?

There have been six mobility meetings in Birmingham, Braga, Ankara and Istanbul. The Birmingham meeting was hosted by Birmingham City University. The online modules have been trialled with numerous early childhood intervention practitioners.  A final symposium will take place in Istanbul in October, 2019.  The online modules will be available on the project website. http://vetforei.eu/


Erasmus+, £200,000 in total


The results of the project will be a change in methodology of practice for early childhood professionals in Turkey working with children with complex disabilities from a clinical medical methodology to a social model, family-centred methodology.