Degree outcomes statement

The Degree Outcomes Statement describes our ongoing commitment to maintaining academic standards and how we meet the requirements for standards set out within the Office for Students’ ongoing conditions of registration (B4 and B5) that relate to protecting the value of qualifications.

Our first Degree Outcomes Statement was published in July 2020 and articulated the outcomes of our internal institutional review conducted during the 2019/20 academic year of undergraduate degree classifications awarded over the preceding five years (2014/15 to 2018/19 inclusive). The statement was produced in line with guidance issued by the UK Standing Committee for Quality Assessment (UKSCQA).

The latest version of our statement which includes 2021/22 degree outcomes and details of our approach to the maintenance of academic standards was approved by Academic Board and the Board of Governors and is published below.

Further information on the University’s assessment regulations and the degree classification algorithm can be found in the Academic Regulations.

Degree outcomes statement: 2021/22 outcomes

Degree outcomes statement: 2020/21 outcomes