The student experience
Getting a good degree is just the start of what we offer here. Developing your creative talent and your confidence are every bit as key to your success.
On our courses, we equip our students with the skills and knowledge that employers need today. And our staff have an excellent reputation for developing creative individuals and strategic partnerships with the wider creative community.
Collaborative and live projects are embedded into the course, giving our students a creative and technical edge over graduates from more specialist production or purely contemporary art-based courses.
The School has outstanding traditional and cutting-edge digital facilities.
You'll also get to study in Birmingham — and more specifically Eastside, the centre of Birmingham’s thriving artistic and creative community — as well as having the chance to take part in a number of overseas opportunities.
Overseas Opportunities
Discussions are always taking place with partner institutions to create exciting new projects.
Overseas Opportunities >>
Enhancing your employability
We equip our students with current and future skills to help them find their perfect career.
Enhancing your employability >>
Student Life
Learning is more than just your course — you'll be part of the Eastside’s creative community.
Student Life >>
Our graduates
We are always adding to our talent pool of outstanding creatives. Be inspired by their stories.
Our graduates >>