A day in the life of a health sciences student
Operating Department Practice Student - Rianne Talbott
"If I could give myself some advice when preparing to start my course, it would be to do a lot more reading outside of lectures on areas I didn’t understand fully. I would definitely suggest that you utilise the lecturers – ask them anything, even if your questions might seem silly.
You’re going to have so much fun and learn so much. See you on campus soon!"
Biomedical Sciences Student - Tahita Murray
"I know the next couple of months can be a bit scary and somewhat overwhelming, especially if you’re waiting on exam results and preparing for university but, trust me, this is an amazing place to be!
Remember that even though studying is a full-time ‘career’, you deserve to have a break. Have fun and make the most of the experience. I can’t wait to see you on campus!"
PE and School Sport Student - Lyle Farnell
"I was you once, nervous about the idea of university life, but don’t worry – you wouldn’t be here if you weren’t capable of being successful.
If I could go back and give myself one piece of advice, it would be to not be so hard on myself. It’s OK to not understand things immediately. Now over to you, you’re going to do brilliantly!"