Marketing - My Three Reasons Why

Sally Nicholson

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I chose to study BA (Hons) Marketing at Birmingham City Business School. Here’s why…

Course flexibility

Choosing a university, combined with having to choose a course, was extremely stressful. I felt lost going to university open days, as I still wasn’t certain on what I wanted to do, so I wasted those days looking at courses which didn’t excite or interest me.

When I finally realised I wanted to study Marketing, I loved the flexibility BCU offered. I was able to take Marketing and choose the modules that caught my eye, rather than specialising more than I wanted to with one particular route. BCU gives you the option to switch to a more specialised type of Marketing in Year 2 if that suits you better. I could also see that the employment rate within the University was high, which gave me confidence when choosing the course.

Industry insight

A lecturer with minimal industry experience can only teach you the theory. At BCU, our lecturers have a variety of experience within their field, which gives valuable insight into the needs of the industry and helps to build our practical skills. At the BCU Open Day, the passion from the Marketing staff really shone through. They were all highly knowledgeable with the experience they’ve gained over their career, which excited me. Hearing about the opportunities they’ve taken and some of the big companies they’ve worked for is inspiring.  Since joining BCU, their enthusiasm for the course has encouraged me to push myself and do the best I can to succeed in my own career.

Working environment

The working environment is superb. The University is clean, light and modern. When visiting universities it was extremely important to have a nice working environment where I feel comfortable and with the resources I need around me. As well as that, I was looking to live in a multicultural city with a lively nightlife and thriving shopping centre, which I found in Birmingham. The area offers some great job opportunities for placements and for when I finish University too.

The course has opened up my options so I can navigate my future, and BCU supplies the tools and support I need to create the right balance between my social life and studying.