
We work hard to give our students as much support as possible while studying with us, as well as providing opportunities for students to influence and shape that support too! In the Faculty of Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment (CEBE) we offer lots of initiatives to make sure that our students have access to what they need, to be able to develop and learn in the best way possible. Here are some of the ways that we support you during your built environment degree :
University Assistant App
We launched the University Assistant app to give you the latest on lectures, exams and what’s happening on campus. This APP provides you with the personalised and useful content to make your student experience simple and easy, giving you access to the right information when you need it. Just some of these features include:
- Ongoing updates: Gain access to your timetable with just a tap of a button. The App will notify you of any changes to your lecturers or seminars, allowing you to manage your time in the best possible way. You will also receive important updates/news about the university, as we understand that is very important in the current climate.
- Find out when Events are taking place: Keep updated on the events taking place around campus, including what’s on during welcome week.
- Assessment deadline reminders: The App will help you keep track of your assignment and exam dates, including a push notification 24 hours before your submission.
- Live chat feature: Have a question? Our team are here to help! Use the live chat feature and one of our team will answer your query during work hours.
Inclusive Events
Many of our students have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of events and competitions.
Innovation Fest is an annual competition that allows students across the faculty to show their creative talent to a range of businesses; allowing them the chance to network and even gain placement opportunities. Other events include Engineering for People Challenge and Engineers in Business Fellowship.
We host a range of hackathons throughout the year, including Hack the Midlands and Global Games Jam. Not only does it give students a chance to work as they would in industry but also allows a great platform to network.
Our Built Environment students have won several times in the Associated Schools of Construction - Design Build Competition. It is an annual, international event in which students are tasked with developing a proposal for a new construction. It allows students to develop their personal and professional skills, as well as collaborate with students from America.
Virtual Desktop
We understand how important it is to be able to work from home. Our Virtual Desktop enables students to access specialist software, such as CAD or graphics software, on any device where you have an internet connection. The software programmes run off computers on-campus, so accessing the software will not slow down your device and you can access what you need at ease. This means you can continue with assignments, without having to worry about booking time in the studios or labs during busy periods.
Built Environment Courses
Learn more about the courses we offer
Monthly Check-in Surveys
We send out monthly check-in surveys, so that you can let us know how you are doing and how we can help if needed. The survey has just three questions and a section for feedback and questions, which our CEBE Student Success Advisors pick up and guarantee a reply to you.
Laptop Loan Scheme
We offer a ‘Laptop Loan Scheme’ which allows you to borrow a laptop from one of our LapSafe lockers located across campus. We’ve also added more PC’s to the Curzon Library, as well as access to specialist software applications.
Personal Tutor
Every student is assigned a personal tutor when they begin studying with us. They are available for one-to-one meetings and can support you with course related questions and help you with finding the right support for any personal issues that you may have.
The academic staff in our faculty have now moved offices to be more accessible to students and the School of Engineering and the Built Environment now has a dedicated reception.
'ASK an SSA Anything’ Sessions
We have introduced a virtual ‘ASK an SSA Anything’ session every week via Microsoft teams, where our students can attend to ask any questions they may have for our Student Success Advisors, or just to have a chat!
We are committed to supporting our students throughout their degree. Our dedicated team are here for you.