Sub Committees of the Board

 There are six main sub-committees which act under delegated authority from the Board, considering and determining specific matters on its behalf. 

Audit Committee

Members: Joe Bates (Chair), Hugh Jones, Hinesh Mehta, Nicola McGowan, Aftab Rahman
Committee Secretary: Karen Stephenson, University Secretary and Clerk to the Board of Governors

The Audit Committee advises and assists the Board of Governors in respect of the entire assurance and control environment of the University.  It regularly reviews the effectiveness of strategic risk management in relation to the University's activities and advises the Board on the audit aspects of the University's annual financial statements, including the external audit opinion and the statement of internal control. The Committee also advises the Board on the appointment of the internal and external auditors,  approves internal and external audit strategies and work plans and monitors the performance and effectiveness of the auditors. It seeks to assure the Board that the University has satisfactory arrangements in place to promote economy, efficiency and effectiveness (value for money).

Finance Committee

Members: Peter Phillips (Chair), Anita Bhalla, Glenn Howells, Neil Jones, Sukhjeeven Nat, Clare Pelham, Professor David Mba
Committee Secretary: Karen Stephenson, University Secretary and Clerk to the Board of Governors

The Finance Committee exercises oversight of the conduct of the financial affairs of the University and advises the Board of Governors on matters concerned with ensuring the solvency of the institution and its subsidiaries and the safeguarding of its assets.  It reviews and advises the Board on the financial aspects of the draft annual financial statements, the approval of annual budgets of income and expenditure and the determination and implementation of the estates strategy and major projects and monitors the consolidated financial performance of the University’s operating subsidiary companies.  The Committee has overall governance responsibility for monitoring the implementation of the University’s fundraising strategy and any associated campaigns and oversees the gifts, benefactions, legacies, donations and trusts of which the University is a Trustee.

Honorary Awards (Joint Committee with Academic Board)

Members: Professor David Mba (Chair), Professor Harris Beider, Anita Bhalla, Professor Ian Blair, Dr Randolf Cooper, Joe Devo, Lord Bruce Grocott, Hugh Jones, Professor Maxine Lintern, Luke McCombe, Professor Hanifa Shah, Karen Stephenson, Professor Marcia Wilson
Committee Secretary: Karen Stephenson, University Secretary and Clerk to the Board of Governors

The Honorary Awards Committee advises the Academic Board and the Board of Governors on the criteria and procedures for the nomination and conferment of honorary awards and considers proposed nominations against the approved criteria and eligibility rules. 

HR Committee

Members: Joanne MacPhail (Chair), Anita Bhalla, Natasha Harris, Professor David Mba, Patrick Nyarumbu, Helen Ross, Parmjit Singh
Committee Secretary: Karen Stephenson, University Secretary and Clerk to the Board of Governors

The Human Resources Committee considers and determines matters in respect of the University's human resources including determination of the overall framework for the pay and conditions of staff.  The Committee considers employment-related strategies and policies together with issues relating to staff engagement and morale, performance management and people development, equality and diversity and health and safety.

Nominations and Governance Committee

Members: Anita Bhalla (Chair), Hugh Jones, Zubeda Limbada, Professor David Mba, Brandon Relph, Parmjit Singh
Committee Secretary: Karen Stephenson, University Secretary and Clerk to the Board of Governors

The Nominations and Governance Committee advises on matters relating to the membership of the Board and makes recommendations on the appointment or re-appointment of Board members for those categories of membership that are not filled by staff or students of the University.  It makes recommendations to the Board on policies in relation to Board composition, regulations governing the election of members and/or nominees, measures for ensuring an appropriate balance in membership and matters of governance policy.

In accordance with the University's Standing Orders, minutes of the meetings for the Nominations and Governance Committee are confidential.

Remuneration Committee

Members: Joanne MacPhail (Chair), Anita Bhalla, Natasha Harris, Patrick Nyarumbu, Helen Ross, Parmjit Singh
Committee Secretary: Karen Stephenson, University Secretary and Clerk to the Board of Governors

Within the overall framework for the pay and conditions of service of staff the Remuneration Committee has responsibility for reviewing the pay and conditions of service, pension provision and severance arrangements of senior staff (including the Vice-Chancellor and the Clerk to the Board of Governors) as defined by the Office for Students. The Committee is also responsible for producing the annual report to the Board of Governors and the annual remuneration statement as required by the CUC Senior Staff Remuneration Code.