You may have already heard lots of things about what it’s like to study at university. When researching universities, the reality of what it’s like to study a degree could turn out to be quite different to some of the ideas you had in mind.
Birmingham City University student Michael didn’t think university was right for him. He worried about the costs of university, and after struggling with exams at school, feared that he wasn’t academic enough to study a degree. But just before he wrote off the idea completely, he learnt about student loans and different types of assessments at an Open Day. Now he’s determined to prove everyone wrong and is getting top grades!
Here’s 5 common myths and misconceptions that students like Michael often believe about studying at university:
Myth 1. University is unaffordable
You may be feeling anxious about your finances and wondering how you will manage to pay your tuition fees, living expenses and all the costs associated with going to university.
Michael told us “I always thought that university wasn’t for me. I couldn’t understand how I would be able to afford the cost of university. At school, I was never told about how student loans work, so I didn’t realise that these loans were normal and would be paid off in small amounts in the future.”
There are a number of different support systems in place to help you with the costs of university. You may be eligible to receive financial support from Student Finance England for your tuition fees and living costs, and depending on your grades, you may also be eligible for a scholarship.
Find out more about financial support
Myth 2. University is only for really academic students
Another common misconception about university is that it is only for the most academic students, and not suitable for practical learners. Not only that, but all you will do at university is attend boring lectures, read dull academic texts and be assessed through exams.
Michael felt the same way. “I always had the impression that university would involve doing lots of exams. This made me feel like I couldn’t go to uni as I don’t work well under exam conditions and thrive more when doing coursework.”
BCU courses are modern and practice-based, which means they are focused on providing you with practical skills that you can take forward with you into your future career.
While some courses do include exams, there are always a range of assignment types, to ensure you develop a wide range of transferrable skills.
Myth 3. You’ll struggle to get a job after university
University is an investment in time and money, which understandably leaves lots of students wondering if they will succeed in finding a job after they graduate.
Universities like BCU provide opportunities for you to gain experience during your degree through work placements, mentoring schemes or Study Abroad opportunities.
Michael chose to study at BCU due to the opportunities available to undertake an internship in the USA. “BCU is one of the only unis in the UK that offer high acceptance rates into internships in the U.S. Not all universities provide the chance to do this, and it can make you more employable when applying for a job.”
How we support your employability
Myth 4. You don’t get much support at university
Many students worry about the jump from their A-Level or BTEC studies to university. It’s true that you won’t be as closely supervised at degree-level, with no one reminding you to hand in your assignments on time.
However, that doesn’t mean that there’s no one to talk to when you are struggling! There are support systems in place to help you with academic skills, managing your finances, mental health support and much more.
Michael said: “All my lecturers made me feel that if I need any help and support at all they would all be there for me.
They are always happy to sit with me and explain topics in further detail, as well as how they can be applied in the real world. As somebody who learns through real-world examples, this is perfect for me.”
Find out about student support services
Myth 5. You’re just a number at uni – not part of a community
We have a confident, proud and diverse community of students at BCU, who are striving to achieve their career goals and transform their lives.
You can read all about students like Michael and their journey to BCU. Hearing about their experiences is the best way to find out what it’s like to be part of the BCU community.
If you’d like to find out more about Birmingham City University, you can register to attend an upcoming Open Day.