
Harvey Graham

Sound Engineering and Production - BSc (Hons)

Harvey didn’t want his ADHD to become an obstacle in pursing his passion for sound engineering. The variety of opportunities on his course keep him engaged and busy, allowing him to achieve his full potential and connect with others in the music industry. 

"I always had an interest in music technology and sound engineering. After completing a college course in the subject, I started working at a small studio and met someone from BCU who was on placement. We got chatting about his experience and the uni life at BCU, it sounded great! I was after a change in scenery, and I wanted to explore sound engineering further to see where it could take me, so I decided to go for it.

I was instantly attracted to the sound engineering and production course at BCU because of the variety of pathways I could take. It’s given me the ability to explore so many opportunities within the world of music technology; film, live sound recording, technical work in acoustics and lots more. As someone with ADHD, I really struggle focusing on things that I don’t find interesting, but the course is so varied and practical, so I’m really interested in what I do.

I worried that I’d struggle to keep up because of my ADHD but my course keeps me really busy and engaged. Plus, BCU has given me lots of support. I have regular meetings with a member of the support team, so I know who to turn to if I’m struggling. I also get extra time to work on assignments, which really helps.

The best thing about my course is the fact that I now have the technical ability and foundational knowledge to go into lots of different areas of work, it’s broadened my opportunities within the field. Plus, my course gives me the chance to network and I’ve been able to take on so many opportunities.

Recently, my course tutor put me in touch with someone organising a music festival in Shrewsbury, so through the summer I was lucky enough to work at a music festival on top of a castle! It was a really cool opportunity. Plus, I recently went on a small UK tour with an orchestra. It’s been really cool to put learning into practice and see what it’s really like working with sound technology on tour or in a live setting.

There are also lots of opportunities within the conservatoire that I’ve been able to get involved with as an engineer. I run 2 jazz gigs a week for staff and students to attend and I’ve been able to collaborate with other conservatoire students to work on some short films.

The conservatoire is a great community, and everyone knows everyone. I feel like I’m part of a wider community within Birmingham too; there are loads of places for live music and everyone can find something that they’re into. I especially love the Jewellery Quarter and Digbeth, there are some great cafes, pubs and clubs there are always events going on where I’ve made friends and become part of the community.

To me, ‘I am BCU’ means taking the journey to be where you want to be. Coming to BCU has helped me mature as a person and realise the direction I want to take."