Career options for law graduates

A law degree from Birmingham City University will equip you with a wide range of transferable skills that will not only allow you entry into graduate jobs in the legal profession, but also make you highly employable for non-legal career opportunities too.

Graduate jobs in the legal profession

Most of our law degrees are accredited by key academic bodies and recognised by a number of international professional bodies.

Our LLB is a Qualifying Law Degree, satisfying the academic stage of training if you are seeking to qualify as a solicitor or barrister of England and Wales.

Law degree-related jobs

Barrister's clerk
Chartered legal exec (England and Wales)
Licensed conveyancer

Transferable skills

See how having a law degree has helped our graduates succeed in excellent careers outside the legal profession.

Non-legal career options

Some of our most successful law graduates with careers in the legal profession

Jimmy Ogunshakin

Jimmy Ogunshakin

Jimmy Ogunshakin founded Mayflower Solicitors. He graduated with a LLB Law (Hons) degree in 1992…

Elshareef Ali Mohammed

An international human rights lawyer who worked on one of the most significant global cases of 2014…

Julian Knowles

Julian B. Knowles

Julian has built a distinguished career as a barrister specialising in criminal and human rights…

Koser Shaheen

Koser Shaheen

Her course inspired Koser to aim high, and she was offered five mini-pupillages.

Frances Kirkham

Frances Kirkham CBE

Becoming a solicitor in 1978, Frances' work has seen her travel across the world.