Primary and Early Years partnerships

BA (Hons) Primary Education with QTS

We are delighted to be working with our partner schools to deliver our BAQTS (Hons) Primary Education with QTS course.

One strength of our course is that associate teachers are taught to teach from 3-11 with a choice to specialise in 3-7 or 5-11 age ranges during their training in Year 2. As 3-7 training practitioners, our associate teachers have the opportunity to develop a deep understanding of research and pedagogical approaches informing Early Years practice and will apply these in the Early Years settings.

We have designed our ITE curriculum as a carefully-crafted and coherent sequence of experiences and activities that support the needs of our associate teachers to be successful in the classroom. Our spiral curriculum encompasses the full entitlement described in the Initial Teacher Training Core Content Framework (DfE), as well as integrating additional analysis and critique of theory, research and expert practice.

Core and foundation subjects, and Religious Education are developed during each year of the course to develop a confident knowledge and understanding of effective pedagogy based on the most recent research, evidence and debates.

We recognise that it is an entitlement of all associate teachers to work with and learn from expert colleagues as they develop planning a sequence of learing, practise, rehearse and refine approaches.

We place high importance on mentoring that ensures associate teachers receive high-quality, clear and well-structured feedback from expert colleagues and are grateful for the opportunity to do this in conjunction and collaboration with our partner school.

We place significant importance on subject specific development and have revised our documentation to allow our associate teachers to gather evidence of how their University experiences 'learn that' impact in the school based 'learn how' to demonstrate subject knowledge competency. 

BAQTS Course Handbook 2023-24 

BAQTS Primary and Early Years Curiculum 

BCU ITE Assessment Tracker 2023-24