Return to Practice - Nursing - 20 credits
Currently viewing course to start in 2024/25 Entry.
The return to practice course offers a flexible approach to regaining your professional registration. You will share core learning with others who are returning to healthcare practice after a break, so you'll have the support of other returners to develop your confidence in practice.
- Level CPD
- Study mode Short Course
- Award N/A
- Start date April 2025
- Subject
- Location City South
This course is:
The return to practice course offers a flexible approach to regaining your professional registration. You will share core learning with others who are returning to healthcare practice after a break, so you'll have the support of other returners to develop your confidence in practice.
What's covered in this course?
The programme length will be tailored to your individual needs depending on how long you have been out of practice, your previous knowledge and experience, and relevant experience undertaken while you have been out of practice.
The University arranges your placement with a local healthcare provider. We involve you in these arrangements to ensure you have a placement which can fit in with your personal circumstances. The return to practice programme will help you plan your future learning to develop your career.
Accredited By
This course is accredited by:
Why Choose Us?
- Excellent employability rate
- You will study at our £71 million City South Campus, complete with real-life hospital environments and simulation equipment so you can practice your practical skills at all times – not just on placement
- We offer two intakes a year in April and September so that you can start at the right time for you.
Fees & How to Apply
UK students
Annual and modular tuition fees shown are applicable to the first year of study. The University reserves the right to increase fees for subsequent years of study in line with increases in inflation (capped at 5%) or to reflect changes in Government funding policies or changes agreed by Parliament.
Starting: Apr 2025
- Mode
- Duration
- Fees
- Short Course
- Individually determined (Adult Nursing)
- Short Course
- Individually determined (Child Nursing)
- Short Course
- Individually determined (Learning Disabilities)
- Short Course
- Individually determined (Mental Health)
International students
Sorry, this course is not available to International students.
How to apply
For April 2025 entry, you need to complete your application by 31 January 2025.
Entry requirements
- Lapsed UK registration as a nurse, midwife, health visitor or operating department practitioner
- Evidence of your literacy and numeracy
- Satisfactory occupational health and DBS checks
- You will need a confirmed placement - this will usually be confirmed following interview
- You will need to attend for an interview
Applicants should be aware that qualifications, personal statement, interview and reference all form part of the selection criteria for this programme.
Important information for Applicants with Conditions of Practice orders/returning following a Striking-Off Order
If you apply for the Return to Practice Course at Birmingham City University you are required to declare if you are subject to any Conditions of Practice Orders or previous Striking-Off Orders.
If you are subject to either of these, we will then need to disclose this information to our:
- insurance advisers
- placement partners
Based on the information supplied they will decide on a case by case basis whether they are able to:
- Provide indemnity insurance cover during your placement
- Offer a placement based on support needs identified in the conditions of practice.
If indemnity insurance cover is declined by our insurers then we will also need to share this information with the placement provider for the course.
You should be aware that there is a possibility that the placement provider will be unable to offer you a placement if:
- The placement provider is unable to provide the necessary support/supervision in regards to your conditions of practice
- Insurance cover has been declined
If either of these apply this may mean that you will be unable to complete the Return to Practice Course at BCU and we will be unable to progress with your application.
Please contact the Course leads if you wish to discuss this further.
Course in Depth
Module Description
This is a single module which has been developed in line with the Nursing and Midwifery (NMC) standards and consultation with practice partners from local NHS Trusts, service users and previous students. Learning activities during the module include face-to-face contact, online learning and practice-based learning. Completion of the module assessments enables application for re-registration with the NMC in the relevant field of nursing. You will evidence required study and practice learning within the Practice Assessment Document.
This evidence is used then to illustrate attainment of competence at course completion.
Download course specification
Download nowCourse Content
Nursing skills:
- Patient Handling
- Basic life support
- Monitoring vital signs
- Introduction to venepuncture cannulation
- ECG monitoring
- Service-user input
- Medicines management
Professional skills:
- Ethics, law and professional aspects of nursing
- Infection prevention and control
- Numeracy
- Socratic thinking
- Safeguarding
- Self-care, spirituality, resilience and mental health awareness
Supervisory skills:
- Leadership in nursing
- Practice supervisor training
Assessments in module
Part A - Clinical assessment
- Professional values, clinical skills and competencies and will be assessed whilst in placement.
Part B - Academic assessment choice of:
- Ten minute PowerPoint audio presentation (marked out of 100 - pass mark 40%) OR
- 1500 word assignment (marked out of 100 - pass mark 40%)
Part C - Numeracy exam:
- This will involve numeracy questions according to the student’s field of study.
- Pass mark is 10/10
What happens on the course?
This course aims to enable students to demonstrate delivery of safe and competent nursing care in accordance with the Return to Practice Standards stipulated by the NMC. Students will become an accountable, self-reflective and autonomous practitioner, working with a range of other professionals and within inter-professional and multiagency teams responding to the demands of nursing practice.
The module is suitable for nurses who have previously been on the NMC Register - RN1, RNA, RN3, RNMH, RN5, RNLD, RN8, RNC (Adult; Mental Health; Learning Disabilities; Children; and GPN).
Minimum expectation during placement is part time hours (22 hours a week either long days or short shifts). There is flexibility to work full time if your placement area are able to support it.
One placement undertaken (with opportunities for pathways):
- You are expected to work part time hours as a minimum (ideally x2 long days or x3 short shifts a week) following the shift patterns of your placement provider and working consistently with your practice assessor/supervisor.
- Placement length is up to 300 hours (with a minimum of 150 assessed hours) and can be in a hospital, social care, GP surgery or community setting.
- The University arranges placements in the West Midlands area. If you would like to be placed outside the West Midlands or in a non-NHS area you will need to arrange your own placement.
Contact us: returntonursing@bcu.ac.uk

The Nursing and Midwifery Council
The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) works with partner organisations to set and maintain high standards of nursing and midwifery education across the UK.
This course has been approved and monitored by the NMC to make sure that the education and training on offer meets their standards.
To work as a nurse or midwife, you must pass an NMC approved course at a higher education institution (HEI) in pre-registration nursing and midwifery, leading to registration with the NMC.
Facilities & Staff
Our Facilities
Our Nursing and Midwifery courses are based at our City South campus in leafy Edgbaston.
We’ve spent £41million expanding our facilities at City South. These facilities offer hands-on practical experience, replicating the spaces you will come across in professional practice.
In a sector where new techniques are constantly being discovered, we work hard to ensure that you learn using the most up-to-date equipment available. Alongside physical spaces such as a mock operating theatre and wards, we also make use of online and virtual technology, such as our virtual ward and virtual case creator.
See more of our skills facilities at City South
Centre for Skills and Simulation
The Centre for Skills and Simulation offers a range of different spaces which replicate situations that you will encounter in practice. These include hospital wards, an operating theatre and a home environment room.
Our mock wards enable you to get a feel of what a ward is really like before you head out for your first placement. The hospital wards can be adapted from low care to high dependency care environment with the necessary monitoring equipment.
The home environment room is the perfect space for teaching communications skills and allows us to simulate a community setting for our students. It is particularly useful for mental health nurses, learning disability nurses and midwives.
Simulation Manikins
We have several Simulation men (SIM men) and simulation babies (SIM babies) which are anatomically correct manikins used for teaching specific techniques such as advanced adult and paediatric life support skills, acute and high dependency clinical skills, first aid and communication skills. The manikins contain software which replicates real symptoms, and can manipulate indicators such as blood pressure, pulse and heart rate for extra realism. SIM man can even ‘talk’ to the students as they are treating him, to add another dimension to learning.
Computer Facilities
The Seacole building has two open-access IT Suites which offer PCs, printers, photocopiers and scanners. There is also an IT Helpdesk for quick and easy help with your computing or internet issues.
Our PCs utilise the latest Intel i5 core technology, all with:
- Fast (unrestricted) internet connectivity
- Ability to save files to USB, DVD & CD
- Microsoft Office software
- Research and statistical software
- Storage space which can be accessed from any PC across the University and from home
Our PCs are also designed to support students who may have difficulties with reading and writing, featuring specialised software with zooming/magnification and screen reading capabilities, which may also be customised for individual student needs.
In addition to desktop PCs, we also offer a laptop loan facility, allowing students to borrow a laptop for up to six hours while on campus.
Our staff
Heather Scripps
Senior Lecturer, and Course Lead for Return to Practice (Nursing)
Heather has been a registered (adult) nurse since 1996 and has had a variety of clinical and non-clinical posts within defence, the NHS and the private sector. Heather qualified as a nurse teacher in 2004 and has been involved in nurse education ever since. Heather's clinical background is firmly within surgical and acute nursing as well...
More about HeatherEnquiries
Course enquiries
The programme leader welcomes informal enquiries to discuss your individual situation.
Please contact Heather Scripps:
- Tel: 0121 331 7015
- Email: returntonursing@bcu.ac.uk