How do online interviews work?


How do online interviews work - primary

We know online interviews might sound daunting, so here’s some advice from us to help you feel confident and ready to take part – and hopefully get a place on a Nursing degree as a result.

Getting ready

Our online interviews take place via Microsoft Teams. You can download the App for free. Please make sure you’ve downloaded this onto your device (whether that’s a laptop, mobile phone or tablet) before your interview date. Microsoft Teams allows us to have a virtual face-to-face interview with you, in the comfort and safety of your own home. You’ll be sent an email explaining all the details on how the app works. The email will also include a link for you to click on at the time of your interview.

Microsoft Teams meeting invite

What happens during the interview?

Once you’re connected and in your interview, you should be able to see and hear the staff in the interview with you. They will ask you to show them the room that you are in to make sure it’s suitable for the interview. One of the things they need to check is that you’re alone in the room, as this would be the case in an interview on campus.  You’ll then be asked to show staff some ID, such as your passport or driving licence. A screenshot of this will be taken by our staff and added to your application via the online portal.

Interview questions

The interview consists of six questions. This is your chance to explain why you want to become a nurse. Take your time with your answers, and give as much detail as you can.  We want to see your passion for nursing, and get a feel for the type of nurse you could be. Don’t forget that this is also your opportunity to ask us any questions, perhaps about the course, student life or the opportunities available to you. Think about what matters to you in terms of choosing a University and find out if we have what you need. The interview will last around 15-20 minutes.

What happens next?

We’ll update your UCAS status with the result of your interview as quickly as we can. If we need any information from you, we’ll be in touch via email. If you have any questions once your UCAS status has been updated, please contact our admissions team.

How have other applicants found being interviewed online?

If you’re still feeling apprehensive about interviewing online, here’s just a small selection of the feedback we’ve had:

  • My interviewer was very lovely. She made the interview very relaxed and explained everything I needed to know in detail and was very informative.
  • Unfortunately I couldn’t manage to get my camera to work but still managed complete the interview!
  • I really enjoyed my interview considering interviews are usually quite nerve-wracking. The interviewer seemed very friendly and helpful.
  • It was exciting but very relaxing doing this interview online. Also the interviewer was very good.
  • The interviewer was a fantastic host - really helpful with understanding the profession a little better, very welcoming, and a calming influence.

Take advantage of this opportunity

Online interviews will help you continue on your way toward your chosen career. Just remember that we’re all human, and our staff are here to help and guide you. Don’t be put off by it being conducted online, and embrace this opportunity. Good luck and we look forward to meeting you (online) soon!

Nursing students on placement

Interview tips

In addition to the guidance you'll already have received by email, here are some pitfalls for you to avoid.

Interview tips

Nursing students on placement

Interview tips

In addition to the guidance you'll already have received by email, here are some pitfalls for you to avoid. 

Interview tips