The Tame Valley Landscape Vision Development

Revolutionising the Tame Valley Wetlands area of the West Midlands into an accessible area teeming with wildlife and beautiful scenery.

Tame Valley primary


Research background

The boroughs of North Warwickshire and Tamworth are under major development pressures from new housing, industrial and infrastructure projects.

This makes it an important time for the authorities in the region, including Birmingham City Council, North Warwickshire Borough Council, Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council, Tamworth Borough Council, Warwickshire and Staffordshire County Councils as well as the cross-authority groupings, such as the Combined Authority, the Midlands Engine and the Local Economic Partnerships. Pressure from development has provided the catalyst to consider the Tame Valley in the context of strategic regional environmental, social and economic concerns.

Research purpose

The purpose of this report is to demonstrate the great potential the valley has to provide a substantial ecological, cultural and economic role in the future of the region. This immense valley and floodplain on the periphery of the towns and cities of the conurbation is close to about 2.0 mi people but is almost invisible. The valley structure is literally hidden from view by the built development

A series of mapping, topographical and digital studies reveals the vast extent of the valley system of streams, tributaries, rivers and groundwater of the Tame, demonstrating that it connects virtually all of our communities.

Research aims

The project aims to promote social cohesion and community engagement, increase aspirations, demand higher standards and create an upward spiral leading to better development. Its vision is ‘to create a wetland landscape, rich in wildlife and accessible to all’ across a 104km² area of the Tame Valley landscape. Its vision, to make the landscape ‘bigger, better and more joined up’. 


Professor Kathryn Moore was commissioned by the Tame Valley Wetlands Landscape Partnership.

For more information, please read the Tame Valley Wetlands PDF.

Map of the National Park project

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