Individual professional development

Workshops and short courses

EDS workshops

The Education Development Service (EDS) offers a range of staff development workshops and services which are designed to offer bespoke training for individuals or teams within schools, faculties and services.

All costs for BCU employees are covered by EDS and there will be no charge to faculties or individuals. We are happy to support faculties and departments when working with collaborative partners, however please note that we operate a 'cascade' model - i.e. we will support BCU staff so that they can support their partners.

If faculties or departments would like us to provide training directly to partner institution staff, there will be a cost payable.

The Hive

The Hive is the interactive lecture theatre in Curzon Building for 120 students seated in groups of five.

The lecturer has access to their normal presentations and files for display via a Windows 10 PC. Large screens on either side of the oval room display standard PowerPoint Slides, websites, documents and videos or super-widescreen presentations using MS PowerPoint and controlled via a provided tablet device and air mouse/keyboard.

Each student group has access to a workscreen that they can connect a device such as a laptop to for group work activity. The lecturer can choose to display any of the 24 workstations to facilitate group discussion.

Associated documents can be found in our EDS Library.

Technology Enhanced Learning and Teaching (TELT) workshops

TELT also run a range of workshops to support academic staff in using learning technology.

Details of these can be found here.