Caroline Jester

Dramaturg and Literary Manager at Birmingham REP
Caroline has held the posts of Dramaturg and Literary Manager at Birmingham Repertory Theatre and worked with many writers at all stages of their careers.
She has developed work for large scale theatres, touring work, writing for younger audiences, spoken word, community plays, collaborative, multiauthored and multi lingual pieces, adaptations and new writing for youth theatres.
She is the co author of ‘Playwriting Across the Curriculum’ (Routledge 2012), which aims to introduce playwriting into the National Curriculum regardless of barriers to learning.
She led The REP’s award winning young writers’ programme ‘Transmissions’ for ten years and is the originator of ‘REPwrite’, an interactive playwriting tool that aids the teaching of playwriting in formal education and with artists internationally. She has developed playwriting projects in the USA, Singapore, Italy, Germany, Poland and Croatia.
Caroline is a Visiting Lecturer at the School of English on the MA in Writing and a Fellow for their Institute of Creative and Critical Writing.
She has taught on the MPhil in Playwriting at Birmingham University, for The British Council, The Arvon Foundation and Salford University. She has translated ‘The Wedding’ by Bertolt Brecht (Birmingham Repertory Theatre) and is developing original ideas inspired by buildings and communities. She has worked as a director and dramaturg for many companies and most recently Kali Theatre.