Maintenance Loan: This loan is intended to help cover living expenses while attending university or college. The amount you receive depends on various factors such as household income, where you live and study, and whether you're living at home or away from home during your studies. Unlike a grant, a maintenance loan must be repaid with interest once you've completed your studies, and your income exceeds a certain. Here is the link about the threshold:
Should you decide to withdraw from your course, you are generally still responsible for repaying their maintenance loans to the Student Loans Company (SLC). However, the specific repayment requirements can vary based on factors such as the timing of the withdrawal and whether the student returns any loan funds they haven't used.
It's important for students to understand the terms and conditions of their loans and to communicate with the appropriate authorities if they are considering leaving their course to ensure they are aware of any financial obligations and repayment arrangements.
Tuition Fee Loan: This loan covers the cost of your tuition fees for the duration of your course. The amount you can borrow typically covers the full cost of tuition fees charged by your university or college. Like the maintenance loan, the tuition fee loan must also be repaid, but repayments are based on your income once you've finished your course and are earning above a certain threshold.