Transparency information

Who are our students?

The information published on these pages shows:

  • The number of students who attained a particular degree or other academic award, or a particular level of such an award, on completion of their course with us.

It also shows these numbers by reference to:

  • The gender of the individuals to which they relate
  • Their ethnicity
  • Their socioeconomic background.

It is important to note that the data presented has not been contextualised. 

Detailed information on attainment for 2021-22 qualifiers

Mode of Study Characteristic Characteristic split Headcount of classified First Degrees awarded Percentage of classified First Degrees awarded as first class Percentage of classified First Degrees awarded as upper second class Percentage of classified First Degrees awarded as lower second class Percentage of classified First Degrees awarded as third class / pass Headcount of unclassified First Degrees awarded Headcount of other undergraduate awards
Full-time Ethnicity

Asian 1260 16% 40% 34% 11% N/A 180
Black 650 9% 37% 40% 14% N/A 130
Mixed 220 13% 49% 30% 8% N/A 30
White 1920 35% 44% 17% 4% N/A 360
Other 90 20% 45% 28% 6% N/A N
Unknown 240 11% 21% 40% 28% N/A 160
EIMD 2019 quintile

1 1830 16% 38% 34% 12% N/A 390
2 780 21% 44% 27% 9% N/A 160
3 590 27% 42% 24% 7% N/A 130
4 540 30% 43% 22% 5% N/A 100
5 530 36% 41% 17% 6% N/A 80
N/A 110 27% 46% 18% 9% N/A N
Unknown N N N N N N/A N

Female 2810 22.3% 41.5% 27.7% 8.5% N/A 470
Male 1560 23.8% 39.0% 27.0% 10.2% N/A 410
Other N N N N N N/A N


Asian N N N N N N N
Black N N N N N N N
Mixed N N N N N N N
White 50 65% 25% 5% DP 30 40
Other N N N N N N N
Unknown N N N N N N N
EIMD 2019 quintile

1 N N N N N N N
2 N N N N N N N
3 N N N N N N N
4 N N N N N N N
5 N N N N N N N
Unknown N N N N N N N

Female N N N N N 50 50
Male 40 55% 35% 10% DP N N
Other N N N N N N N


Asian N N N N N N/A N
Black N N N N N N/A N
Mixed N N N N N N/A N
White 30 75% 25% DP DP N/A 110
Other N N N N N N/A N
Unknown N N N N N N/A 30
EIMD 2019 quintile

1 N N N N N N/A 90
2 N N N N N N/A 50
3 N N N N N N/A 30
4 N N N N N N/A N
5 N N N N N N/A N
Unknown N N N N N N/A N

Female N N N N N N/A 160
Male N N N N N N/A 30
Other N N N N N N/A N

Percentage of classified first degrees at grade 2:1 or above by characteristic for 2021-22 qualifiers

Characteristic Characteristic split Percentage
Ethnicity Ethnic minorities 53.7%
White 79.5%
EIMD 2019 quintile 1 and 2 57.2%
3 to 5 73.7%
Sex Female 64.1%
Male 63.9%
Other N

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