
Abigail Price

English Language and Literature - BA (Hons)

Abigail never thought that she was destined for university because no one else in her family had gone before, but her love for learning took her on a journey to explore her passion at BCU. Since then, she has immersed herself in university life and transformed into a confident individual.

"I was raised in the Lake District and growing up no one in my family had ever been to university. I always thought it was an unachievable goal for me and too big of a life change and I was used to my home comforts! I liked the idea of following in my family's footsteps and getting a job after finishing my A-Levels. After some research, I was reminded of how much I loved the classroom environment and wanted to continue learning in that space. It became clear to me that pursuing a degree in what I loved was the best choice for me, so that is exactly what I did.

Even though it was a tough decision, I knew it was the right next step for me. I wanted to follow my dreams. I decided to choose a university in a different city because I felt I couldn't get that experience in my small town. When I told my family my decision, it was hard for them to understand at first. They were surprised because I was the first in my family to choose this path. They never saw university as a necessity, but they supported me because they wanted what was best for me.

When it came to selecting a university, I knew I wanted to study English in a big city, and I loved the fact that BCU had so many English courses to choose from, I quickly settled on English Language and Literature. This option gave me the freedom to combine both things I loved.

My first few weeks at BCU were great and I instantly knew I had made a great decision. I was made to feel very welcome which helped me feel at ease. Sometimes the guilt of moving away to pursue your ambitions can be difficult. I struggled at first because I felt like I was disappointing my family and friends by choosing to move away from home. I overcame this major struggle when I realised going to university was a great next step for me and the people who loved me eventually understood because they wanted the best for me.

During this transition, I relied on my personal tutors and the wellbeing team. They checked in on me often which I am so grateful for. I can confidently say that being a student at BCU has helped me develop my character so much. I even joined the Crafty Bitches Society where I met some great people.

Studying English Language and Literature opened a whole new world for me, and I discovered the joy of research. One of the great things about my course is that I get to research what I am interested in. For one of my assignments, I completed an investigation on Taylor Swift’s musical accent – doing this was way more fun than I expected. Now, as I get closer to graduation, I see how much going to university has changed me for the better and expanded my career options for the future.

To me, I AM BCU means new possibilities. Taking a chance on yourself and never giving up on your dreams no matter what!"