Blog Article

The Cluster for Surveillance, Risk and Cyber Threats will bring together researchers interested in exploring the practices of social harm, governance and regulation within a multi-disciplinary approach, to understand the impact of crime on social media, cyber threats, and how to counter them. The cluster’s work will explore representations of crime and deviance, and explore the construction of offenders, victims and others affected by crime in news media.
The proliferation of networked media has disrupted the traditional relationships between producers and consumers, writers and readers, actors and audiences. Advances in computer hardware and software have changed the nature of the relationship between the media and the public and in turn, the way that crime is represented and consumed.
a) Identify ways to tackle cybersecurity behaviour through psychological and linguistic techniques.
b) Making sense of social media networks and how communication and hate speech is spread online and through fake news.
c) Using research to help work with different groups and communities. We develop protocols and encryption mechanisms for low power devices such as smart phones, and mechanisms for improving the security of asynchronous messaging approaches.
Engage in research which is built on a range of appropriate ontological, epistemological and methodological foundations; Share learning in relation to approaches, tools, techniques and methodologies within the cluster; Disseminate research findings through a variety of academic and non-academic means, including conference presentations, books, peer-reviewed journal articles, reports, blogs, podcasts and other appropriate media. Explore and identify enterprise opportunities throughout the research process to enable the development of products, tools and resources for relevant stakeholders where appropriate.
Areas of activity
- Online Hate Speech
- Coping with the fluid nature of online identity
- Cyber security behaviours
- Ensuring the resilience of network systems
- Instilling a cyber security culture
- Malware detection and remediation
- Responding to unanticipated cyber threats
- Secure communications
- Securing mobile and embedded infrastructures
- Sense-making of large, heterogeneous information sources
Staff working in this group
- Dr Pelham Carter
- Dr Ben Colliver
- Dr Andrew Whiting
- Dr Keith Spiller
- Professor Imran Awan