BA (Hons) (Law), University of Cambridge
CCK (Dutch), University of Cambridge
PhD (Law), University of Leicester
Society of Legal Scholars
Current research interest is focussed on property law, in particular comparative law in a European context, trusts and gratuitous transfers. Other research interests include European private law, charity law and restitution.
“A DCFR Perspective on the Plight of the Franchisee”, European Review of Private Law (2014) vol. 22, pp. 1055-1064
‘Staatshaftung für Verstöße gegen EU-Recht aus europäischer Sicht’, in: Christian von Bar und Arkadiusz Wudarski (eds.), Deutschland und Polen in der europäischen Rechtsgemeinschaft (Munich: Sellier, 2012), pp. 299 – 323
“Die Queen und das britische Parlament”, IJVO-Heft 2009-10 (2011), pp. 99 – 112
“Aims and Context”, Edinburgh Law Review (2011) vol 15, pp. 463-466 (within the Symposium on DCFR Book X (Trusts))
‘Donations in the internal market: a contribution to the CFR debate’, in: Magdalena Habdas und Arkadiusz Wudarski (eds.), Ius est ars boni et aequi. Festschrift für Satnisława Kalus (Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang, 2010), pp. 541 – 556
Gutachten zum internationalen und ausländischen Privatrecht (IPG) 2007/2008 (2010) pp. 132 – 173 (opinion on English law for the purposes of German civil court proceedings arising out of a road traffic accident)
Principles of European law. Unjustified Enrichment (PEL Unj. Enr.) (Munich: Sellier, 2009), (with Christian von Bar)
‘The Structure of Liability for Unjustified Enrichment: First Proposals of the Study Group on a European Civil Code’, in: Reinhard Zimmermann (ed.), Grundstrukturen eines Europäischen Bereicherungsrechts. Tagung der privatrechtlichen Sektion der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Rechtsvergleichung in Dresden, September 2003 (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2005), pp. 265 – 286
Part 2, Ch. V (Trust law) in: Christian von Bar and Ulrich Drobnig (eds.), The Interaction of Contract Law and Tort and Property Law in Europe: A Comparative Study (Munich: Sellier, 2004), pp. 363 – 398
“A Continent of Codes or One Code for a Continent?” (2004) [Renmin University of China School of Law] Jurists Review, pp. 14 – 21 (with Christian von Bar) [translated into Mandarin]
Gutachten zum internationalen und ausländischen Privatrecht (IPG) 2000/2001 (2004) pp. 88 – 110 (opinion on Hong Kong law of assignment for the purposes of German civil court proceedings) (with Christian von Bar)
Response to the Action Plan on European Contract Law: A More Coherent European Contract Law(COM (2003) 63), European Review of Private Law (2003) vol. 11, pp. 595 – 622
“Der Erbensucherfall nach englischem und irischem Recht”, European Review of Private Law (2002) vol. 10, pp. 589 – 595
“Communication on European Contract Law: Joint Response of the Commission of European Contract Law and the Study Group on a European Civil Code”, European Review of Private Law (2002) vol. 10, pp. 183 – 248 (with Christian von Bar and Ole Lando)
‘The Historical Development of the UK Definition of Charity Reviewed’, in:Christine R. Barker and Sabine Selbig (eds.), Charity Law and Change. British and German Perspectives / Gemeinnützigkeitsrecht im Wandel. Britische und deutsche Perspektiven (Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2002), pp. 79 – 105
‘A European Civil Code. Legal and Political Foundations’ in: Guido Alpa and Emilio Nicola Buccico (eds), La Riforma dei Codici in Europa e il Progetto di Codice Civile Europeo (Milan: Giuffre, 2002), pp. 7 – 57
‘Das Bereicherungsrechtskonzept der Study Group on a European Civil Code’, in: Manfred Wandt et al. (ed.), Kontinuität und Wandel des Versicherungsrechts. Festschrift für Egon Lorenz (Karlsruhe: Versicherungswirtschaft, 2004), pp. 43 – 68 (with Christian von Bar)
Deakin and Kemp Commission (Annex 1.1); Impact of the Scotland Act 1998 (Annex 1.2); A Comparative Study of Selected Jurisdictions of the Commonwealth (Annex 5.2) – contributions to: Scottish Charity Legislation: An Evaluation (Scottish Executive Central Research Unit, 2000)
‘Justifying the Ban on Politics in Charity’, in: Alison Dunn (ed.), The Voluntary Sector, the State and the Law (Oxford: Hart, 2000), pp. 161 – 175
“Part performance: back from the dead?”, The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer [1997] pp. 293 – 299 (case note on Singh v Beggs (1996) 71 P & CR 120)