BCU Law School Expert in Animal and Environmental Law presents research at Tarragona International Environmental Law Colloquium

University News Last updated 14 July 2023

Dr. Iyan Offor, a Lecturer in Law at BCU School of Law, presented his research on animal justice and the biodiversity crisis during a keynote speech at the Tarragona International Environmental Law Colloquium.

Dr Offor’s speech focused on the importance of considering animals’ interests when reforming law in a way which takes into account various environmental issues, such as climate change, that we are currently facing.

Biodiversity, Animals, and the Law

Scientists have claimed that the Earth has entered a new geological epoch called the Anthropocene. The Anthropocene would be characterised by human activity having negative impacts on the Earth’s structure and functioning, such as causing our current biodiversity crisis.

Dr Offor’s research particularly focuses on how human beings can use all five senses to notice what animals are saying. He argues that we ought to use our law and policy to react to the signals animals give us. Dr Offor argues that such a “multispecies” approach to creating law and policy is important if we are to create laws that respond more appropriately and effectively to our current environmental crises.

Dr Offor says:

The Centre for Law, Science and Policy at BCU conducts world-leading interdisciplinary research on law that impacts the world around us. Dr Offor’s presentation highlights research undertaken at the Centre which investigates how legal responses to this situation can include the interests of animals. This aligns with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals as well as themes of fair, just and secure global societies as well as green technologies and resource security.

Dr Offor’s research will be published by Edward Elgar in an upcoming book. You can access the Tarragona Colloquium here.

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