Blog Article

- Judith Dyson
- Stephen Johnson
Research Aims
This project is a constructivist, three stage, mixed methods study to co-design a leadership focussed intervention to prevent poor mental health in serving, regular and reservist military personnel.
Members of the Armed Forces encounter unique occupational experiences which can affect their mental health and wellbeing (McManus et al., 2016). Examples of very senior officers suffering mental ill health and stigma is supported by evidence from the annual Defence MH statistics, which show an increase from 8.6% of the total force to 13.2% in 2021/22.
Additionally, the most recent Continuous Attitude Survey demonstrates low satisfaction with Service life, feeling valued, attitudes and confidence, raising the question that despite mandatory and single service interventions being adopted, their effectiveness is not conclusive. Identifying the barriers and facilitators to Defence leadership training and of extant preventative interventions will facilitate a new or redesigned intervention, designed by the people who will use it, which may lead to a more efficient training landscape, a more accessible, cost effective and useable intervention which may improve the leadership behaviours of Commanders and increase their impact on the MH and wellbeing of serving personnel.
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