Blog Article

This qualitative study explores the experiences and perspectives of nurses who provide support to South Asian carers of people with dementia.
- Catharine Jenkins
- Atiya Kamal
Research background
The numbers of people living with dementia are increasing worldwide and dementia is high on the international agenda. People from Black and Minority ethnic groups are at higher risk of developing dementia and services are often perceived as ineffective and unsuitable. It is essential that we offer effective responsive services to this client group.
Research aims
Insight into nurses’ experiences could increase understanding of barriers and enablers of effective interventions and help to identify any training needs. We are currently analysing the responses of community and in-patient nurses and hope to report findings in 2020.
How has the research been carried out?
We recruited 15 in-patient and community nurses and interviewed them, asking questions about their experiences of providing care and support to south Asian people living with dementia and their family carers. Data is being analysed using thematic analysis.
Prospective outcomes
We plan to report findings in 2020. We hope that findings will offer insight into barriers and enablers of high quality transcultural dementia care and lead to recommendations for training.