Blog Article

The terms cross-, multi-, inter- and trans- (disciplinary practice and working) are used interchangeably in research and practice and have different meanings within and across disciplinary fields.
For students supported by cross University cross-disciplinary supervision teams, this could prove challenging and confusing. The practicalities of doctoral supervisors working with colleagues from other faculties emerge as a frequent discussion in the SEDA accredited Communities of Practice for Doctoral Supervision programme. This project provides the opportunity to explore both of these themes to create a more fair and just supervision experience for STEAM candidates (and others supported by cross University doctoral supervision teams). This project is a BCU funded STEAM scholarship. The funding provides £1,000.
- To prepare and support doctoral supervisors in their supervision of STEAM doctoral students (under the new 100 STEAM scholarships and beyond)
- To support doctoral supervisors working in cross multi, inter, trans disciplinary doctoral teams
- To prepare doctoral supervision training across the University for STEAM doctoral students
- To re-invigorate and refresh the SEDA accredited Communities of Practice for Doctoral Supervision programme in line with the University Research Strategy.
I want to use creative and inclusive methods to explore the different meanings of and the way in which the terms cross, multi, inter and trans disciplinary are used within the context of doctoral supervision as well as the practicalities of working across different disciplines (and the advantages). This will be done through discussions, focus groups using artefacts and provocations.
Outcomes and outputs:
- Improved understanding of the terms cross-, multi-, inter- and trans- and their application to STEAM
- Improved understanding of cross-University doctoral supervision for STEAM scholars and beyond
- Improved training and preparation for doctoral supervisors in working with STEAM scholars
- Improved understanding of the challenges of cross sector collaboration in HE
- The development of cross University, cross sector STEAM networks
- Presentations/module input on the terms cross-, multi-, inter- and trans- and their application to STEAM across the University
- A dedicated webpage for the project that would contain:
- Podcasts
- Guidance for working in cross, multi-inter and transdisciplinary STEAM doctoral supervision team
- Guidance for the 2025 re-accreditation for the SEDA accredited CoP for doctoral supervision programme