Mizan is currently working on two projects funded by the European Union INTERREG IVB programme:EnAlgae and BioenNW.
The EnAlgae project is concerned with developing sustainable technologies for algal biomass production, bioenergy and greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation, taking them from pilot facilities through to market-place products and services.
BioenNW is focused on promoting the adoption of local bioenergy and stimulating the potential for biomass to make a substantial contribution to increasing energy security, reducing carbon emissions and creating employment.
Current research
- Biomass feedstock and their characterisations
- Feasibility study on the energy recovery options of different feedstock
- Feedstock trial
Mizan also has responsibility for supervising research students.
The main focus of Mizan’s work is low carbon research (cleaner energy generation from the waste stream in a sustainable way).
- Rahman, K. M. and Melville, L., (2018). Implementation of biomass based bioenergy project: supporting sustainable development for low income countries. Enerzine 2nd issue, ISSN2518-6485, p45-48, Institute of Energy, University of Dhaka)
- Rahman, K. M., Melville, L., D. Fulford and S M Imamul Huq, (2017). Green-house gas mitigation capacity of a small scale rural biogas plant calculations for Bangladesh through a general Life Cycle Assessment approach. Waste Management & Research, p 1-11.
- Aminu B., Lynsey M. and Rahman K. M. (2017). Towards Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by Microalgae – Livestock System: A Review. Book of Abstracts 4th International Conference on Agriculture and Forestry, TIIKM, ISSN 2362-1036 Vol. 3, 2017, pp. 27-39.
- Rahman, K. M., D. Fulford and Melville, L., (2017). Evaluating the Potential of Rice Straw as a Co-digestion Feedstock for Biogas Production in Bangladesh. Journal of Advanced Catalysis Science and Technology, Vol 4, p 8-14
- Rahman, K. M. and Melville, L., (2017). Promoting bioenergy production in developing countries through understanding the socio cultural impacts on domestic internal air pollution and health. The AD Network (BBSRC NIBB) Early Career Researcher Event July 2017, Birmingham.
- Rahman, K. M. and Melville, L., (2016). Conference paper titled An Assessment of Rice Straw as a Potential feedstock for Anaerobic Digestion, The AD Network (BBSRC NIBB) Early Career Researcher Event July 2016, Birmingham.
- Rahman, K. M. and Melville, L., (2016). Book Section - Anaerobic Digestion Systems. National Renewable Energy Expo, Institute of Energy, Dhaka University, Path to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Energine, 1: vol. 1, p 99-102, ISSN 2518-6485
- Rahman, K. M., Melville, L., S. M. Imamul Huq & S. K. Khoda (2016). Understanding bioenergy production and optimisation at the nanoscale – a review, Journal Experimental Nanoscience, Vol. 11 Issue 10 p 762-775, DOI: 10.1080/17458080.2016.1157905
- Rahman, K. M., R. Woodard, E Manzanares and M. K. Harder, (2015). Conference paper titled Determination of the Potential impact of Small and Medium Anaerobic Digester Systems potential in Bangladesh. The ADNet Early Career Researcher Conference, Warwick University, June 29-30, 2015
- Rahman, K. M., Melville, L. and S K Khoda. (2015). Conference paper titled Role of nanoparticles on bioenergy research, Advances in Nanotechnology, Birmingham City University, 9th -10th June 2015.
- Rahman, K. M., R. Woodard, E. Manzanares and M. K. Harder, (2014). An assessment of anaerobic digestion capacity in Bangladesh. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review. Vol. 32, p 762–769.
- Rahman, K. M., Molla, A.H. and Rahman, M.A., (2006). “Feasibility of Sustainable Recycling of Municipal Solid Waste as Organic Fertilizer for Plant Growth and Development” “The Agriculturist”- A Scientific Journal of Krishi Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Vol.4 No. 1&2 (7-14p).
- Rahman, K. M. (2007). 'Third International Botanical Conference on Plant Resources for Human Development” in GBER (Global Built Environment Review), An International Journal of 'Architecture, Planning, Development and Environment, Vol.6 No. 1, pp. 60-61.
- Rahman, K. M. (2009). Thesis on “A Critical Investigation of the Carbon Footprint and Potential Energy Contribution of Small and Medium Anaerobic Digestion Plant in Bangladesh” published in Waste and Resources Research Repository (WARRR) of Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), UK
- Rahman K. M., E. Manzanares, Ryan Woodard and Marie K Harder, (2012). An evaluation of the Potential Anaerobic Digestion Feedstock, Biogas yield size and its Management Impact on Rural Society in Bangladesh, the 3rd International Annual Conference on Engineering, Project and Production Management (EPPM).
- Rahman K. M., Hossain T., M. A. Rahman and A. J. M. S. Karim (2005). Effect of Municipal Solid Waste on Tomato. Botanical Conference 2005 on Plant Resources for Human Development. P-34.
- Rahman, K. M. (2009). 'An abstract on Environmental Impact of domestic anaerobic digestion in Bangladesh and UK' Tackling Waste 2009, the 6th annual Tackling Waste Conference, showcasing novel and innovative ways to tackle waste, University of Nottingham.
- Rahman, K. M. and Melville, L., (2015). “How bioenergy can empower rural communities in developing countries: What NWE can learn?” RESCON 2015 conference, Birmingham City University.
- Rahman, K. M. and Melville, L., (2017). Desk based evaluation of biomass potential for Anaerobic (AD) - Commercial food waste, pruning from horticultural waste and municipal green waste, A Report for the Brighton & Hove Energy Services Co-operative Limited (BHESCo). The Urban Community Energy Fund from the Department of Energy and Climate Change.
- Rahman, K. M., Lloyd C., Leyland L., Wall R., Singh M., Uddin S., Balliger B., Stevens D. and Melville, L., (2017). Jute the sustainability composites: Future Fibre RESCON 2015 conference, Birmingham City University.
Submitted, under review or in preparation:
- Rahman, K. M., R. Woodard and M. K. Harder, (2018). Energy yield potential from the anaerobic digestion of most common animal manure and its impacts to the society context Bangladesh. Submitted to the Journal “Energy & Environment”. Under Review, Manuscript ID - EAE-17-0340).
- Melville, L., Raju, P., Byrne, W., Feroz, M., Rahman, K., (2018). Challenges and opportunities of mapping and managing biomaterials for energy in North West Europe. XXVI International Materials Research Congress (IMRC) 2017, Mexico.
- Rahman, K. M., E. David and Melville, L., (2018). Implementation of Bioenergy systems towards achieving United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (To be submitted to Journal - Environmental Science and Policy)
- Rahman, K. M., E. David and Melville, L., (2018). Determination of the Potential impact of domestic Anaerobic Digester Systems: A community based research initiative in rural Bangladesh (To be submitted to Journal – Bioresources Technology)
- Rahman, K. M. and Melville, L., (2018). Use of clean bioenergy and impacts on domestic internal air pollution (IAP) and health, (To be submitted to Journal - Energy Research and Social Science)
- Journal Energies (Impact Factor 2.265)
- Energy and Environment (0.302)
- Bioengineering