Professor Navjot Sandhu

Deputy Head of Graduate School of Management
- Email:
- Phone:
- +44 (0)121 331 5249
Professor Navjot Sandhu is Deputy Head of Graduate School of Management at Birmingham City University. She has a wide range of experience of developing, delivering higher education courses programmes, modules at the undergraduate and postgraduate level. She works closely with Finance professional bodies to get professional accreditations for Finance programmes.
Professor Sandhu’s PhD topic focused upon the finance gap for small and marginal farmers (SMFs) in India, Punjab. Since joining Birmingham City University in September 2010, she continues to develop this niche further, with a particular focus on bank lending decisions for SMFs, an important area of research that has potential to impact on government policy and the agricultural sector at large in developed and emerging economies.
Whilst pursuing her PhD research, Professor Sandhu has worked on a European Union funded project, the work-life balance issues related to South Asian employees, a study that identified various cultural and societal issues, which impedes the work life balance and adversely affects levels of stress and low productivity among the employees.
Professor Sandhu is a peer referee for various international journals and served as an assistant Editor for JSBED (Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development) for eight years. She won: the Birmingham City University Business School Best Research Paper Award 2012, Outstanding Reviewer Award by Emerald Literati Network 2013. Currently, she is teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate level courses, research active and also supervising PhDs.
Areas of Expertise
- Financing of small and marginal farmers (SMFs) and small and medium enterprises (SMEs), microfinancing
- Female entrepreneurs in the developing countries
- Entrepreneurship education
- BSc (Med)
- MA (Eng)
- MBA (Finance)
- Ph.D (Finance)
- Diploma in Fintech from Oxford University
- Teaching Fellow of Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
- Member of British Accounting and Finance Association
Member of the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE)
Chartered Management Institute (CMI)
Member of Academic Conferences:
International Conference on Gender Research (ICGR)
- European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE)
- International Conference on Fintech Research
- BSc/MFin (Hons) Finance and Investment
- BSc/MFin (Hons) Business Finance
- MSc Finance and Investment
- MSc management and Finance
- Financing of Tourist firms
- Issues related to farming especially small and marginal farmer
- Microfinancing
- Agritourism
- Gender and Entrepreneurial Education
Postgraduate Supervision
PhDs supervised to completion
- Imronudin - Islamic Bank Financing for Small Enterprises: Evidence from Indonesia.
- Fatawu Bakare – Repayment Profile of Small Rural Farmers: An Evaluation of Microfinance Institutions in Ghana
- Arsalan Khawaja- Bank Credit risk assessment from small enterprises: A case Study of commercial banks in Pakistan
PhDs currently supervising
- Tanveer, Sanna- Women Entrepreneurs in Pakistan: Access to Finance and Business Challenges
- Aida Nakanwagi Lubega- Microfinance and Women Empowerment: A Study of Women Vendors in Uganda
PhD examination
- Obinna Nkwechi- Microfinance, Women Entrepreneurial Development in Nigeria- Examined as an independent Examiner
- Fahad Sultan- The Impact of Training on Small Business performance in the UK and Pakistan- Examined as an Independent examiner.
- Asia Akram- Structure and Agency: Making sense of structure and agency interplay and giving voice to the career experiences of women working in banking sector of Pakistan
- Sepideh Zahiri- Determinants of Distribution Firms’ E-Marketing Adoption and the Impact on Marketing Performance: An Empirical Study of E-Marketing Adoption and Implementation by Iranian Distribution Firms
External PhD Examinations
- Externally Examined PhD Thesis on “Governance Role Played by Institutional Investors in Pakistan” of Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar, Pakistan.
- Externally Examined PhD Thesis on “Leverage Performance Interaction and product Market Competition”. Of Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar, Pakistan.
- Bhusal, Ramachandran (2019) “. The Impact of Entrepreneurs’ Perceptions and Non-financial Capital on Preferences for External Financing: An Empirical Study of Ethnic Minority Businesses in the UK”. Anglia Ruskin University, UK
- Sandhu, N. and Hussain, J. (2021). Entrepreneurship the mediating role of finance and entrepreneurial education for small farmers in developing countries: Evidence from India" Accepted for publication in International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research. Available at:
- Sandhu, N. (2020). Dynamics of Banks Lending to Farmers in India’. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. Vol. 28; Issue 1, pp.102-120. Available at:
- Sandhu, N. Hussain, J. El-Gohary, H., & Edwards, D. J. (2020). The Reality of Financing Small Tourism Firms: The Case of Indian Tourism SMEs. International Journal of Customer Relationship Marketing and Management (IJCRMM), Vol. 11, Issue 1, pp.64-80. doi:10.4018/IJCRMM.2020010105
- Scott, J., Sandhu, N., Gibb, J., Hussain, J. and Sinha, P., 2016. Women Entrepreneurs and Informal Finance in India: An Exploratory Study (interactive paper). Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 36(1), p.28.
- Sandhu, N. Hussain, J. Matlay, H. (2012) "Entrepreneurship Education and Training needs of Family Businesses Operating in the Agricultural Sector of India", Education + Training, Vol. 54 Issue: 8/9, pp.727 – 743.
- Sandhu, N. Hussain, J. Matlay, H. (2012) "Barriers to Finance Experienced by Female Owner/managers of Marginal Farms in India", Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Vol. 19 Issue: 4, pp.640 – 655
- Sandhu, N. Rana, B. Dad, I. and Rono, M. (2007) “Managing Gender and Ethnic Diversity in South Asian Communities,” Report 1 & 2 published and printed by Birmingham City University.
- Sandhu, N and Hussain, J. (2006). Finance Gap amongst Smaller Farmers in India, Punjab, Research Journal of Amity Global Business Review, Vol.2.
- Sandhu, N. (2006) “Finance Gap among Smaller Farmers in India, Punjab,” paper presented in Conference in Warwick University [Available online]. Published in Journal of Amity Business School
Book Chapters
- Sandhu, N. Scott, J. Hussain, J. Gibb, J. Sinha, P. and Akoorie, M. (2017) ‘Women Entrepreneurs, Informal finance and Microenterprise Growth in Rural India: An Exploratory Study. Measuring an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham.
- Sandhu, N., Scott, J. M., Gibb, J. Hussain, J. G., Akoorie. M. and Sinha, P. (2016). Exploring Entrepreneurial Finance and Gender in an Emergent Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: the case of the Punjab, northern India, in S. Fielden and M. Davidson (Eds) International Research Handbook on Successful Women Entrepreneurs, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham.
- Sandhu, N. Hussain, J., and Matlay, H. (2015) ‘Informal Lenders and Small/Marginal farmers in India: An Unregulated Sociological Symbiotic Relationship?’, in Hussain, J. and Scott, J. (Eds) International Research Handbook on Entrepreneurial Finance. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham.
- Sandhu, N. Hussain, J. and Matlay, H., (2014) ‘Entrepreneurship education and training needs of family businesses operating in the agricultural sector of India’, in S. Fielden and M. Davidson (Eds) International Research Handbook on Successful Women Entrepreneurs, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham.
Submitted to journals
- Sandhu, N. Unveiling the impact of psychological traits on financial decision-making in Small Tourist Firms (STFs)- submitted to Journal of Small Business Management
- Sandhu, N. and Hussain, J. Poverty alleviation amongst Small and Marginal Farmers in Indian Punjab. (Submitted to International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour) Economics);
Conference Papers
- Sandhu, N. (2020) ‘Can Entrepreneurial Education help women entrepreneurs to make agritourism a success story in Indian Punjab?’ has been accepted to panel P36 entitled: Skill Development and Rural Transformation.
- Sandhu, N. Scott and Hussain, J. (2017) ‘Informal Finance and Growth of Women businesses in an Emergent Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: a case of Indian Punjab’. Paper accepted for ECIE, France, September 2017.
- Sandhu, N. Scott and Hussain, J. (2017) ‘Agri-tourism Complements or Competes traditional farming: A Case of Indian Punjab.’ Paper presented at MISG, Malaysia, July 2017.
- Sandhu, N. and Hussain, J. (2017) ‘Financing Small Tourism: An Indian Perspective’. Paper presented at ICIE, September 2017.
- Sandhu, N. and Hussain, J. and Matlay, H (2016). ‘Dynamics of Banks Lending to Farmers in India’. Paper presented at ISBE 2016 at Paris 26-28th October.
- Sandhu, N. Scott and Hussain, J. (2016) ‘Informal Finance and Growth of Women businesses in an Emergent Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: a case of Indian Punjab’. Paper presented at ECIE, Finland, September 2016.
- Sandhu, N. and Hussain, J. (2016). An empirical investigation into characteristics and financial obstacles faced by small and medium tourism firms in India, paper accepted for ICIE Conference, Toronto, Canada.
- Sandhu, N. Scott, J. Hussain, J. Gibb, J. Sinha, P. and Akoorie, M. (2016) ‘Women Entrepreneurs, Informal finance and Microenterprise Growth in Rural India: An Exploratory Study. Paper presented at Babson College Entrepreneurship Research conference 2016.
- Sandhu, N. and Hussain, J. (2015). Informal Lenders and Small/Marginal farmers in India: An Unregulated Sociological Symbiotic Relationship?’, paper accepted for ISBE Conference, UK.
- Sandhu, N. and Hussain, J. (2015). Financing of tourism firms in India. Paper presented at European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE), Genova, Italy September 2015.
- Sandhu, N. Hussain, J. and Matlay, H (2015). Financial Constraints and Growth of SMEs. Paper presented at International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ICIE), Durban, South Africa. 19-20 march 2015.
- Sandhu, N. (2014). Gender and Access to Finance for Women-owned Marginal Farms in India. British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA) Annual Conference. London, UK. 14-16 April 2014.
- Sandhu, N, Hussain, J. and Matlay, H. (2013). Financial Education and Success of Family Firms. Paper presented at World ISSME Conference 2013.
- Sandhu, N, Hussain, J. and Matlay, H. (2013). Poverty alleviation amongst Small and Marginal Farmers in Indian Punjab. Paper presented for ISBE Conference, Cardiff, UK. 12-13 November 2013.
- Hussain, J. Sandhu, N. and Matlay, H. (2013). A comparison of the determinants of informal capital structure of Small Firms owned by the Ethnic and native Entrepreneurs in the UK. Paper accepted for ISBE Conference 2013.
- Sandhu, N, Hussain, J. and Matlay, H. (2012). Informal Credit for Agriculture in Indian Punjab. British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA) Annual Conference. Brighton, UK. 17-19 April 2012.
- Sandhu, N. and Hussain, J. (2010) “Banks’ lending to Farmers in India” paper presented at European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2010, Athens.
- Sandhu, N. (2007). Life Coaching as a Tool for Managing Diversity, Birmingham City University.
- Sandhu, N. (2006). Finance gap amongst smaller farmers in India, Punjab. International Conference on Financing of SMEs in Developed Countries. Warwick Business School, UK. 4-5 April 2006.
- Sandhu, N. Rana, B. Dad, I. and Rono, M. (2007) “Managing Gender and Ethnic Diversity in South Asian Communities,” Report 1 & 2 published and printed by Birmingham City University.
Research funding
- GCRF funding (2019) “Blockchain Enabled Agri Supply Chain- Enhancing farmers Financial Value in India” (Funding for £27,307);
- GCRF Funding (2019) “Solar pump based village microgrids – potential for tackling the energy/water/food nexus in Punjab” (Funding for £26,795);
- GCRF Funding (2019) “Building Capacity to tackle design engineering and manufacturing challenges in Punjab (India) through Knowledge based engineering (KBE) and Promoting Sustainable Performance (PSP) system” (Funding for £28,150) ;
Mini-Research Fellowship
- Sandhu, N. and Hussain, J. (2010) “How Lending to agriculture Differs from Lending to Farmers in India.”
Conferences and workshop organisations
- October 2019 – Financing Green Innovative SMEs: Regional Perspectives 9with professor Hussain) – Supported by Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE), Birmingham City University, Birmingham, UK
- February 2020- Professional bodies networking Event at Birmingham City University.
- September 2020 – Entrepreneurial Finance – Supported by Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE), Birmingham City University, Birmingham, UK
Book Reviews
- Sandhu (2019). Culture, Conduct and Ethics in Banking by Red Bell
- Sandhu, N. (2015). Grassroots ICT: Small business and the use of ICT by Routedge/ Taylor & Francis Group
- Sandhu, N. (2014). MyFinanceLab’ for the 5th edition of Corporate Financial Management by Glen Arnold.
- Sandhu, N. (2014). 5th edition of Corporate Financial Management by Glen Arnold
- Sandhu, N. (2012). Atrill and McLaney’s textbook on Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialists (7th edition).
External Academic and Professional Activities
Current External Activities
- Committee member of ICGR (International Conference on Gender Research) , ECIE (European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship)
- External Examiner at Coventry University for UG Finance programmes (BSc Business Finance and BSc International Finance and Banking
External Validation Advisor
- Anglia Ruskin University – October 2013
- Academic Reviewer for Oxford University Press
- Academic Reviewer for Pearson Education and Routledge/ Taylor & Francis Group.
Voluntary Consultancy
- 2008-till date- DAS Academy
- 2012- till date- Sachkhand Nanak Dham
- Emerald Engage mentor for Early Career Researchers
Member of editorial team
- Guest Editor on Scholar One
- Assistant Editor of Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development
Referee for
- Travel Management
- Journal of International Development
- Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction
- Journal of Chinese Entrepreneurship
- Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research
- Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development
- Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies
- Education+Training
- International Journal of Emerging Markets
- Small Enterprise Research