Alexandros Psychogios

Professor in International Human Resource Management
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- +44 (0)121 331 4394
Prof. Alexandros Psychogios has a BSc in Political Science & Public Administration (University of Athens, Greece), MSc in Public Policy & Public Finance (University of Athens, Greece), MA in Services Management (University of York, UK) and a PhD in Industrial & Business Studies (University of Warwick, UK).
Dr. Alexandros Psychogios is a Professor of International HRM in Birmingham City Business School at the Birmingham City University in UK. He is also a Visiting Professor at Cyprus International Institute of Management (CIIM) and a Research Associate in South Eastern European Research Centre (SEERC).
His specialization and research interests are on Organizational Behavior, Leadership & Complexity, International Human Resource Management, and Total Quality & Performance Management. His publication record focuses on a variety of OB/HR issues in different, but rather challenging, contexts like economies in transition, SMEs in crisis, the public sector, etc. He has published several articles in journals like the International Journal of Human Resource Management and Journal of Human Resource Management, Emergence: Complexity & Organisation, Brain science & leadership, TQM & Business Excellence, Employee Relations, the International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, etc.
Prof. Psychogios is the author of the books: Neuroscience for leaders: A Brain Adaptive Leadership Approach, published by Kogan Page in London and Managing People in SMEs in Turbulent Contexts published by Routledge.
Prof. Psychogios has a wide-range experience of participating in various consultancy and research projects on issues like leadership, human resource management, total quality management, performance management and reward systems. He participated in many professional and executive training courses offered in both private and public organisations. Moreover, he has been invited in many professional and academic conferences as an expert speaker on issues like leadership, complexity, and performance management.
In August 2020, he received from the Management Consulting Division of the Academy of Management the Benedictine University Award for Outstanding Research Work on Ethical Issues in Consulting for his work on Crisis Leadership.
Prior to his current position, Dr. Psychogios was an Associate Professor on OB and HRM & Director of Research at Hull University Business School and prior to that he was a Senior Lecturer and Research Director in the International Faculty of the University of Sheffield. He was also a Research Track Leader of South Eastern European Research Centre. Furthermore, he was adjunct lecturer at the Hellenic Open University and an Instructor in The Greek National School of Public Administration.
Current Activity
- Phd Program Director
- Research Cluster Leader
Areas of Expertise
- Leadership & Complexity Science
- Organizational Neuroscience
- International Human Resource Management,
- Small & Medium Enterprise Management and
- Total Quality & Performance Management
- BSc in Political Science & Public Administration (University of Athens),
- MSc in Public Policy & Public Finance (University of Athens),
- MA in Services Management (University of York)
- PhD in Industrial & Business Studies (University of Warwick)
- Member of the Academy of Management,
- Member of the British Academy of Management,
- Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Economics & Business Quarterly Reviews,
- Member of the Senior Editorial Board of the American Journal of Management Studies
- Member of the International Advisory Board of the Baltic Journal of Management -
- Founding Member of the Greek Administrative Chamber (DEE), which is an association of Greek Administrative Scientists
- Member of Euro-Mediterranean Business Network
- Member of the European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS)
- Member of the Public Administrative Theory Network (PAT-NET)
- Member of the Greek Academy of Business Administration
- Member of the Literati Club, Emerald associated.
- Member of the International Advisory Board of the Baltic Journal of Management -
- Member of the Board of Directors of the Greek School of Agia Triada in Birmingham, UK, -
International Human Resource Management:
- International HRM (IHRM) theory
- Models of IHRM
- Expatriate Management
- Institutional & Cultural influences on HRM
- Comparative HRM
Research methods:
- Introduction to Research Methods
- Epistemological Approaches
- Qualitative & Quantitative approaches
- Advanced research methods for Organization and HRM studies
1. International Human Resource Management & Employee Relations
HR/ER issues in Emerging Economies; Institutional Approaches to HR/ER in crisis & turbulent economies; Working Conditions and Employee Voice in SMEs, Expatriates capabilities.
2. Organisational Neuroscience, Change, Dynamics & Leadership
Organisational Neuroscience, Organisational dynamics in SMEs with special focus on Feedback, Trust & Routines; Sense Making & Crisis with special focus on Middle Managers in SMEs; Change Management & Resistance to Change; Complexity & Neuro-leadership; Young Leadership
3. Management & Performance Practices
Quality Management & Organizational/National Culture; Application of Lean Six Sigma in services; Performance & Reward Systems in SMEs; Public Management practices with special focus on Middle Managers
Postgraduate Supervision
PhD/DBA Supervision:
- Understanding the neuropsychological leadership qualities associated with the BIG Ten Capabilities of SMEs’ growth (PhD candidate: Mrs Eleni Dimitriou)
- The Biological origins of Leadership: Between Testosterone and Cortisol (PhD candidate: Mrs Sabreen Jan)
- Women Leadership Development Framework (DBA candidate: Mrs Cristina Chirita)
- Humor and Consumer behavior (DBA candidate: Mr David McGee)
- Feedback process and effectiveness in Complex Construction Projects (DBA Candidate: Mr. Dimitris Fanrtzis)
- Entrepreneurial leadership in ethnic minorities (PhD candidate: Mr. Tamaralaiyefa Harold Tiemo)
- Talent Management in SMEs in Turbulent Contexts (PhD candidate Ms. Bertha Dzifa Kumodji)
- Making sense of change and managing change in HEIs: A multi-case study of UK universities (PhD candidate Ms. Chiamaka Chidobem)
- Making sense of innovation in public services (PhD candidate Ms Fairul Azida Shahabudin)
Completed PhD Supervisions:
- Knowledge Management & Emergence (PhD candidate Dr. D. Bibikas) – Completed 2017
- Management Education & Knowledge Transfer of HR practices (Student: Dr. D. Fotopoulou) – Completed 2014
- FDIs & Management Practices in South-Eastern European Countries (Student: Dr. M. Skenderi) – Completed 2013
- Dynamic process of Feedback (Student: Dr. Blackori Feim) - Completed 2018
- Between leadership and commitment: multilevel effects of psychological empowerment and power distance (Student: Dr. Saeed Abdulrahman Saeed Alshahrani) – Completed July 2019)
- HRM/ER in SMEs emerging economies (Student: Dr Abisola Olarinte) – Completed June 2020
- Determinants of Distribution Firms’ E-Marketing Adoption and the Impact on Marketing Performance: An Empirical Study of E-Marketing Adoption and Implementation by Iranian Distribution Firms (Student: Dr. Sepideh Zahiri) – Completed October 2020
- Making sense with Institutions: Corporate Social Responsibility as a recruitment strategy tool by multi-national organisations in Pakistan (Student: Dr. Hira Gulshan) – Completed January 2021
PhD Examinations
- Alek Karaev (2013) A comparison of organizational cluster and non cluster members in transition economics, The University of Sheffield, Management School – Internal Examiner
- Menelaos Xanthopoulos (2015) Like Family; A socio-cultural understanding of organisational structure and the role of conflict through SMEs theory, managing across culture, power and modern entrepreneurship in Thessaloniki-Greece. University of Wales, Trinity Saint David – External Examiner
- Stefanos Michiotis (2015) Revealing Intangible Assets and Archetypes for Organisational Change, University of Greenwich – External Examiner
- Taposh Kumar Roy(2015) CSR Communication and its impact on employees: An empirical study on multinational organizations in Bangladesh, University of Hull, – Internal Examiner
- Roman Gift Ugwe (2016) A phenomological Evaluation of Organisational Health and growth of SMEs in Nigeria, Leeds Beckett University – External Examiner
- Jasim Tariq (2016)Exploring Entrepreneurial Motivators and Barriers: A study of female business owners in Pakistan, University of Hull – Internal Examiner
- Cyracus Badinye Bapuuroh (2017) Managing Resistance to Change During an Organisational Transformation: The Telecommunication Industry of Ghana, Leeds Beckett University – External Examiner
- Uzoamaka Eunice Iloekwe (2020) Determinants of quality of direct/informal employee voice in SMEs in Nigeria, London Southbank University – External Examiner
- Anka Georgiev (2021) Neuroscience & Marketing: Towards A Paradigm Shift – The University of Sheffield - External Examiner
- Suaybur Rahman (2021) The Effectiveness of Trade Unions In The UK Hospitality Sector, London Southbank University – External Examiner
Refereed Journals
- Belbaly, N., Gurău, C., Psychogios, A. & Autcharaporn, S. (Forthcoming). Transactional Memory Systems in virtual teams: Communication antecedents and the impact of TMS components on creative processes and outcomes, Technological Forecasting & Social Change
- Psychogios, A. and Dimitriadis, N. (2021) Brain-Adjusted Relational Leadership: A Social-Constructed Consciousness Approach to Leader-Follower Interaction. Frontiers in Psychology – Organizational Psychology. 12(672217), 1-11, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.672217
- Blakcori, F. and Psychogios, A. (2021) Sensing from the Middle: Middle Managers’ Sensemaking of Change Process in Public Organizations. International Studies of Management & Organization. ISSN 0020-8825 (In Press)
- Hoyland, T., Psychogios, A.,Epitropaki, O., Damiani, J., Mukhuty, S. and Priestnall, C. (2021), "A two-nation investigation of leadership self-perceptions and motivation to lead in early adulthood: the moderating role of gender and socio-economic status", Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 42(2),289-315,
- Nyfoudi, M., Theodorakopoulos, N., Psychogios, A. and Dysvik, A. (2020) Tell it like it is in SME teams: Adverse Working Conditions, Citizenship Behaviour, and the role of Team Information Sharing in a Turbulent Economy. Economic & Industrial Democracy. ISSN 0143-831X (In Press)
- Prouska, R., Avgoustaki, A., Psychogios, A., & Wilkinson, A. (2020). Employee participation and representation in Central and Eastern Europe. Economic and Industrial Democracy, DOI: 0143831X19887805..
- Psychogios, A, Szamosi, L., Brewster, C. & Prouska, R. (2019) Varieties of crisis and working conditions: A comparative study between Greece and Serbia, European Journal of Industrial Relations, DOI: 10.1177/0959680119837101
- Psychogios, A., Blakcori, F., Szamosi, L., & O’Regan, N. (2019). From feeding-back to feeding-forward: managerial feedback as a trigger of change in SMEs. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 26(1), 18-42.
- Psychogios, A., Nyfoudi, M., Theodorakopoulos, N., Szamosi, L. T., & Prouska, R. (2019). Many Hands Lighter Work? Deciphering the Relationship between Adverse Working Conditions and Organization Citizenship Behaviours in Small and Medium‐sized Enterprises during a Severe Economic Crisis. British Journal of Management, 30(3), 519-537.
- Prouska, R., & Psychogios, A. (2019). Should I say something? A framework for understanding silence from a line manager’s perspective during an economic crisis. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 40(3), 611-635.
- Prouska, R., & Psychogios, A. (2018). Do not say a word! Conceptualizing employee silence in a long-term crisis context. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29(5), 885-914.
- Prouska, R., Psychogios, A. and Rexhepi, Ylka (2016), Rewarding employees in turbulent economies for improved organisational performance: exploring SMEs in the South-Eastern European region. Personnel Review, 45(6). pp.1259 - 1280
- Tsironis, L. K., & Psychogios, A. (2016). Road towards Lean Six Sigma in service industry: a multi-factor integrated framework. Business Process Management Journal, 22(4).pp. 812 - 834
- Selviaridis, K., Matopoulos, A., Szamosi, L. T., & Psychogios, A. (2016). Reverse resource exchanges in service supply chains: the case of returnable transport packaging. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 21(3).pp.381 - 397
- Psychogios, A. Szamosi, Prouska R. and Brewster, C., (2016) A Three-fold Framework for Understanding HRM Practices in South-Eastern European SMEs, Employee Relations, 38(3), pp. 310-331
- Wood, G., Szamosi, T.L., Psychogios, A., Sarvanidis, S. and Fotopoulou, D. (2015), Rethinking Greek Capitalism through the Lens of Industrial Relations Reform: A View until the 2015 Referendum, Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations Quarterly Review, 70(4), 2015, pp. 698-717
- Psychogios, A., Brewster, C., Missopoulos, F., Kohont, A., Vatchkova, E. and Slavic, A. (2014) Industrial Relations in South Eastern Europe: Disaggregating the Contexts, International Journal of Human Resource Management 25(11), pp. 1592-1612
- Pergel, R. and Psychogios, A (2013) Making Sense of Crisis: Cognitive Barriers of Learning in Critical Situations, Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 1(2), pp. 179-205
- Psychogios, A. and Garev, S. (2012), Understanding Complexity Leadership Behaviour in SMEs: Lessons from a Turbulent Business Environment, Emergence: Complexity & Organisation, 14(3), 1-22
- Psychogios A., and Tsironis, L. (2012). Understanding the implementation of Lean Six Sigma in Context: Lessons from Service Industry. TQM & Business Excellence, 23(3-4):397-415
- Tsironis L., and Psychogios A., (2012). Towards a systematic e-Business Excellence framework, International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development. 4(1): 28-43
- Psychogios A.,Atanasovski, J. and Tsironis, L. (2012). Lean Six Sigma in a service context: A multi-factor application approach in the telecommunications industry. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 29(1): 122 - 139
- Cooke, Lee F., Wood, G., Psychogios, A. and Szamosi,T. L. (2011) HRM in emergent market economies: evidence and implications from Europe. Human Resource Management Journal 21(4): 368-378
- Leslie T. Szamosi, Adrian Wilkinson, Geoffrey Wood and Alexandros G. Psychogios (2010) Developments in HRM in South Eastern Europe, International Journal of Human Resource Management. 21(14), 2521-2528
- Psychogios, A. (2010) A four-fold Regional Specific Approach to TQM: The Case of South Eastern Europe, International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 27(9), 1036-1053
- Psychogios, A. and Wood, G., (2010) Human Resource Management in Comparative Perspective: Alternative Institutionalist Perspectives and Empirical Realities, International Journal of Human Resource Management. 21(14), 2614-2630
- Bibikas, D., Paraskakis, I, Psychogios, A. and Vasconselos, A. (2010), Emerging enterprise social software knowledge management environments: current practices and future challenges. International Journal of Learning & Intellectual Capital. 7(3/4), p.328 - 343
- Psychogios, A., Szamosi, L. and Wood. G. (2010), Introducing Employment Relations in South Eastern Europe. Employee Relations, 32(3), pp. 205-211
- Psychogios, A. (2010), Restructuring the Employment Relationship in South-Eastern Europe? Total Quality-Based Changes on Managers’ Careers and Job Security, Employee Relations, 32(3), pp. 310-327
- Psychogios, A. and Wilkinson A. and Szamosi, L. (2009), Getting to the Heart of the Debate: 'Hard' Versus 'Soft' Side Effects of TQM on Middle Manager Autonomy, TQM & Business Excellence , 20(4), pp. 445-466
- Psychogios, A, Alexandris, K. and Onofrei, A. (2008), Addressing Individual and Organizational Factors Influencing Middle Managers Synthesising Role in Knowledge Creation and Diffusion. International Journal of Learning & Intellectual Capital. 5(2), pp. 208-222
- Psychogios, A, Michalopoulos, N. and Szamosi L. (2008), Anglo-Saxon Change in a Non-Anglo-Saxon Cultural Context: Lessons from TQM application in Greek Public Organizations. International Journal of Learning & Intellectual Capital. 5(2), pp. 153-171
- Szamosi, L., Psychogios, A., and Wood, A. (2008) At the Crossroads of Leadership Education in Emerging Economies: Global Relevance Versus Local Applicability. Business Leadership Review, 5 (4), pp.1-9
- Psychogios, A. (2007), Towards the Transformational Leader: Addressing Women’s Leadership Style in Modern Business Management, Journal of Business and Society. 20(1&2), pp. 169-180
- Psychogios, A. and Wilkinson A. (2007) Exploring TQM awareness in the Greek national business context: between conservatism and reformism cultural determinants of TQM, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 18(6), pp. 1042 - 1062
- Psychogios, A. and Szamosi, L. (2007) Exploring the Greek National Business System: Towards a Modernization Agenda, Euro Med Journal of Business, 2(1), pp. 7-22
- Vouzas, F. and Psychogios, A. (2007) Assessing Managers’ Awareness of Total Quality Management, The TQM Magazine, 19(1), pp. 62-75
- Psychogios, A. and Priporas, K. (2007) Understanding Total Quality Management in Context: Qualitative Research on Managers' Awareness of TQM Aspects in the Greek Service Industry, The Qualitative Report, 12(1), March , pp. 40-66
- Psychogios, A. (2006) Towards a Country-Specific Total Quality Paradigm: Cross National Aspects of TQM, Hellenic Academy of Business Administration Review, 4(1), pp. 44-56
- Psychogios, A. (2005) Towards a Contingency Approach to Promising Business Management Paradigms: The case of Total Quality Management, Journal of Business and Society, 18, (1/2), pp. 120-134
- Psychogios, A. (2004) Middle Managers and Organizational Change: The case of the adoption of TQM in the Greek service industry, Hellenic Academy of Business Administration Review, 2(3), pp.43-57
- Karamali, E. and Psychogios, A. (2004) Modernism Vs. Post-Modernism in Management Science ,Greek Administrative Science Review, 9, August
- Michalopoulos, N. and Psychogios, A. (2003) Knowledge Management and Public Organisations: How well does the model apply to Greece?, Chinese Public Administration Review, 2(1/2), March/June, pp. 63-79
- Psychogios, A. (2002) A Critical Review of Total Quality Management, Greek Administrative Science Review, 8, pp.127-149
- Psychogios, A. (2001) Total Quality Management and Trust: the role of leaders in quality management, Administrative Learning, 19, January, pp.64-71
- Dimitriadis, N. and Psychogios A. (2020) Neuroscience for Leaders: Practical Insights to Successfully Lead People & Organizations, 2nd Edition, London: Kogan Page, ISBN:9781789662146
- Psychogios, A. & Prouska, R. (2019) Managing People in Small and Medium Enterprises in Turbulent Contexts, New York: Routledge, ISBN: 978-1138103559
- Dimitriadis, N. and Psychogios A. (2016) Neuroscience for Leaders: A Brain Adaptive Leadership Approach, 1st Edition, London: Kogan Page, ISBN: 978-0749475512
Book Chapters
- Brewster, C., Szamosi, T. L., Psychogios, A. and Prouska, R. (2020), Varieties of Crisis & Working Conditions in Greece and Serbia, In Galanaki, E., Nikandrou, I. and Panayotopoulou, L. (eds) (2020). Volume in honor of professor Nancy Papalexandris: An anthology on Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior and Special issues in Management. Athens, Editions Benou
- Psychogios, A.(2019) HRM in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, In HRM in Critical Context (2nd ed), Chapter 19, CIPD
- Wood, G.T., Psychogios, A., Szamosi, L and Collings, D.G. (2019) Institutional Perspectives on Comparative Human Resource Management, In: Handbook of Research in Comparative Human Resource Management. 2nd Edition, Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Contributor in: Wilkinson, A. and Johnstone, St. (2016) Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management, Edward Elgar Publishing
- Psychogios, A. Brewster, C., and Parry, E. (2016) Western European HRM: Reactions and Adjustment to Crises (Chapter 7). In: INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN EUROPE (3rd Edition). M. Dickmann, C. Brewster & P. Sparrow (eds). Global HRM Series, London, Routledge
- Psychogios, A., Szamosi, T.L. and Brewster, C (2015) Work organization, human resource management and the economic crisis: In Machado, C.F. andDavim, J.P. (Editors) (2015).Human Resource Management Challenges & Changes. Nova Science Publishers: New York
- Wood, G.T., Psychogios, A., Szamosi, L and Collings, D.G. (2012) Institutional Perspectives on Comparative Human Resource Management, (Chapter 2): In: Handbook of Research in Comparative Human Resource Management. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Psychogios, A. (2011), Total Quality Management in Greece, IN Prouska, R. and Kapsali, M. (eds.) Business and Management Practices in Greece: A Comparative Context, Palgrave Macmillan. (Chapter 12), pp. 214-235
- Bibikas, D, Paraskakis, I, Psychogios, A. and Vasconcelos, A. (2009) An integrated Knowledge Innovation Process Management model: The Case of Skandia. In Ordonez De Pablos, P and Lytras, M. (Eds) Knowledge Ecology in Global Business: Managing Intellectual Capital. ISBN: 978-1-60566-270-1.
- Bibikas, D, Paraskakis, I, Psychogios, A. and Vasconcelos, A. (2009) The potential of enterprise social software in integrating exploitative and explorative knowledge strategies. In Hatzipanagos, S. and Warburton, S. (Eds) Handbook of Research on Social Software and Developing Community Ontologies. ISBN: 978-1-60566-208-4.
- Wood, G., Szamosi, L. and Psychogios, A. (2008) Reward Systems: Strategies, Trends and Practices. In Muller-Camen, M., Croucher, R. and Leigh, S. (Eds) Human Resource Management: A case study approach, Chapter 18, pp. 243-258, London: CIPD
- Psychogios, A. and Priporas, K. (2008) Understanding Total Quality Management in Context: Managers' Awareness of TQM Aspects in the Greek Service Industry, In Icfai's Professional Reference Book: Total Quality Management-Concepts and Cases, Expected Date of Publication: July 2008
- Wood, G., Szamosi, L. and Psychogios, A. (2008) International Human Resource Management, Chapter 10, in Contemporary Human Resource Management: Text and Cases. 3rd Edition Edited by: Adrian Wilkinson and Tom Redman. London, Financial Times Press.
Book Translation:
- Psychogios A. (2011) Human Resource Management. Tziolas Publications (In Greek) – Original book: Wyane Mondy (2009) Human Resource Management, Prentice Hall
- Psychogios A. (2012) Total Quality Management & Business Excellence Tziolas Publications (In Greek) – Original book: Goetsch, L.D. and Davis, B.S. (2010) Quality Management For Organisational Excellence: Introduction to Total Quality. 6th Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, Prentice Hall.
Refereed Conference Papers
- Psychogios, A., & Prouska, R. (2021). The development and application of HRM in SMEs in Emerging Economies. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2021, No. 1, p. 11781). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
- Gruda, D., Ojo, A., & Psychogios, A. (2021). Examining Anxiety Contagion in Computer-Mediated Communication using Machine Learning. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2021, No. 1, p. 13336). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
- Psychogios, A., Prouska, R., Szamosi, L., & Gruda, D. (2020). Can we trust them again? A Framework for Repairing Trust in SMEs in an Economic Crisis Context. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2020, No. 1, p. 16901). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management - Benedictine University Award for Outstanding Paper on Ethical Issues in Consulting.
- Nyfoudi, M., Theodorakopoulos, N., Psychogios, A., & Dysvik, A. (2020). In Times of an Economic Crisis: Citizenship Behavior and the Role of Team Information Sharing. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2020, No. 1, p. 12793). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
- Grouda, J, Psychogios, A. & Melnyk, Y. (2019), The Power of Temperament: Exploring the Biological Foundations of Leadership Perceptions, Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium, Theme: Power & Leadership , May 2019, Corfu, Greece (Conference Proceedings)
- Psychogios, A., Antonacopoulou, A., Nyfoudi, M, Blackori, F. & Szamosi, T. L., (2018), How does feedback matter for the sustainability of organizational routines? In Academy of Management Proceedings , ( Vol. 2018, No 1, p.16801). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
- Prouska, R., Psychogios, A., & Wilkinson, A. J. (2018, July). Employee Involvement in a Transition Context: Lessons from Central and Eastern European Economies. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2018, No. 1, p. 13228). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
- Psychogios A., Nyfoudi, M. & Blackori, F (2018). How leaders give effective feedback? A three-fold approach, Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium, Theme: What Leaders Actually Do, May 2018, Chania, Greece (Conference Proceedings)
- Psychogios, A., Prouska R., Nyfoudi, M.Brewster, C., and Szamosi, TL, (2017) Towards the Institutionalization of Crisis: Managers’ & Employees’ Responses on Working Conditions in Crisis Contexts, British Academy of Management Annual Conference, September 2107, Warwick, UK (Conference Proceedings)
- Nyfoudi, M., Theodorakopoulos, N., Psychogios, A., and Saridakis, G. (2017) Adverse Working Conditions and Employees’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior: the moderating role of trust, British Academy of Management Annual Conference, September 2107, Warwick, UK (Conference Proceedings)
- Psychogios, A., Kapsali, M., and Prouska R. (2017) Theorising Relational Project Leadership Identity: An International Qualitative Study, Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium, Theme: Leadership, Followership & Identity, May 2017, Mykonos, Greece (Conference Proceedings)
- Mukhuty, S., Psychogios, A. & Camy Tan Pai Shih (2017) Self-Identity, Social Media Usage and Leadership across Generational Types, Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium,Theme: Leadership, Followership & Identity, May 2017, Mykonos, Greece (Conference Proceedings)
- Hoyland, T., Psychogios, A., Epitopaki, O., Priestnall, C. and Damiani, J. (2017) Future Leaders at the Fore Front: Understanding the role of Gender and Socio-Economic Status on Young People Perceptions of and Aspirations for Leadership. A Cross Cultural Study between the UK & Japan, Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium, Theme: Leadership, Followership & Identity, May 2017, Mykonos, Greece (Conference Proceedings)
- Psychogios, A., Priestnall, C., Hoyland, T. and Mukhuty, S. (2016) From Followership to Virtual Followership? The role of Social Media in Enhancing Young People to Challenge Relational Leadership’, Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium, Theme: Beyond Exchange: Revisiting Leadership as a Relationship, May 2016, Rhodes, Greece (Conference Proceedings)
- Blackory, F. and Psychogios, A. (2015) Exploring the Role of Complexity in the Changing Process of Organizational Routines, British Academy of Management Annual Conference, September 2015, Portsmouth, UK(Conference Proceedings)
- Mukhuty, S., Hoyland, T. and Psychogios, A. (2015) The role of Socio Economic Status, Gender and Self Efficacy on youth aspirations and perceptions of leadership, British Academy of Management Annual Conference, September 2015, Portsmouth, UK(Conference Proceedings)
- Antonacopoulou E. and Psychogios, A. (2015) Practising Changing Change: How Middle Managers Take a Stance towards Lived Experiences of Change, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 2015, Vancouver, Canada (Conference Proceedings – Paper 14448)
- Psychogios, A. and Szamosi. T.L. (2015) Fight or Fly? Rationalizing working conditions in a crisis context, 31st EGOS Colloquium, Sub-theme 39:Challenging Power, Rationality and Diversity in Organizations during the Crisis: Emerging New Meanings and Learning from Ancient Greek Myths, Athens, Greece (Conference Proceedings)
- Affanasieva, M and Psychogios, A. (2014) Institutional complexity in the transitional context of South East Europe: The case of HRM in SMEs. Short paper presented at Sub-theme 60: Rethinking Responses to Institutional Complexity, 30th EGOS Colloquium, 3-5 July 2014, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (Conference Proceedings)
- Psychogios, A., Szamosi, T.L, and Prouska, R. (2013)Determinants of HR Reality in SMEs of Periphery Countries, International Conference on International Business (ICIB 2013), University of Macedonia, 16-18 of May, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Psychogios, A., Tsironis L, and Vouzas, F. (2012)The Road towards Lean Six Sigma: Key Success Factors in Service Industry, 16th International Conference of ISO & TQM (16-ICIT): ISO & TQM Best Practices, Conference Centre at LNU, 11-13 of July, Vaxjo, Sweden (Conference Proceedings)
- Georghita, V. and Psychogios, A (2012) Exploring Complex System’s Aspects in Organisational Resizing: Lessons from Downsizing Process in a MNC. 8th National & International Conference of Hellenic Society for Systemic Studies (HSSS): Systems Approach to Strategic Management, University of Macedonia, 5-7 of July 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece
- Szamosi, LT, Psychogios, A., Vorley, T. and Williams, N. (2012) Resilience during the economic crisis: the behaviour of business leaders and the adaptability of SMEs. 8th National & International Conference of Hellenic Society for Systemic Studies (HSSS): Systems Approach to Strategic Management, University of Macedonia, 5-7 of July 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece
- Psychogios, A., Vorley, T., Garev, S. and Williams, N. (2012) Making and Managing Resilience: Analyzing the Complex Adaptive Capacity of South Eastern European SMEs. IWP International Conference on Work, Wellbeing and Performance: Thriving in times of uncertainty, University of Sheffield, 25-27th of June, Sheffield, UK
- Psychogios, A. (2011) Understanding Change in the Greek Public Sector Context: Between Enablers and Inhibitors. 4th Conference of Administrative Scientist, Understanding Management Shift in Greek Public Administration, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Political Sciences, 1-2 of December 2011, Thessaloniki, Greece (Conference Proceedings)
- Szamosi, L., Mucibabic, O. and Psychogios, A., (2010) Daring to Care for the Top? Senior Manager Occupational Stress on the European Periphery, In Academy of Management Proceedings Dare to Care: Passion and Compassion in Management Practice and Research, Organisational Behaviour Track, 6-10 August 2010, Montreal, Canada
- Psychogios, A., Szamosi, L. and Fotopoulou, D., (2010), In Search of Glocalization of Total Quality Practices: Cultural and Institutional Aspects of TQM Adoption in South Eastern European Region, 26τη EGOS Colloquium: Waves of Globalization: Repetition and difference in organizing over time and space, Faculdade de Economia Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 28-03 July 2010 Lisbon, Portugal, (Conference Proceedings)
- Fotopoulou, D. and Psychogios, A. (2010), Localizing the Educational Agenda? Lessons from the Greek MBA Programmes, 26τη EGOS Colloquium: Waves of Globalization: Repetition and difference in organizing over time and space,Faculdade de Economia Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 28-03 July 2010 Lisbon, Portugal, (Conference Proceedings)
- Bibikas, D. Psychogios, A., Paraskakis, I. and Vasconcelos, A. (2009), Building a Knowledge Innovation Lifecycle: Findings from an SME Case Study, In Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Knowledge Management, 3-4 September 2009, Vicenza, Italy.
- Bibikas, D. Psychogios, A., Paraskakis, I. and Vasconcelos, A. (2009), Enterprise 2.0: The ‘new knowledge management’ or just another buzzword?, In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC), 26-28 April 2009, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Dialechti Fotopoulou, Alexandros Psychogios, Leslie Szamosi (2009) Towards an Understanding of Incubators’ Training Needs: a South-Eastern European Perspective, 2nd International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development ICEIRD: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Crossroads: Triggers, Catalysts and Accelerators for Sustainable Regional Development 24-25 April 2009, Thessaloniki, Greece, (Conference Proceedings)
- Loukas Tsironis, Alexandros Psychogios. (2009) Towards a Systematic E-Business Excellence Framework, 2nd International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development ICEIRD: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Crossroads: Triggers, Catalysts and Accelerators for Sustainable Regional Development 24-25 April 2009, Thessaloniki, Greece, (Conference Proceedings)
- Psychogios, A. (2008), Total Quality Management in the Health Care Industry: Towards a Three-Fold Model of TQM Application, 2nd South Eastern Europe Conference on Health Service Management, 20-22 November 2008 Beograd, Serbia. (Invited Speaker)
- Fotopoulou, D., Psychogios, A., and Wood, G. (2008), Management Education as a Driver of Institutional Isomorphism in Non-Anglo-Saxon Business Systems: Lessons from the Greek Academic System, 24τη EGOS Colloquium: Upsetting Organizations, Vrije University of Amsterdam, 10-12 July 2008 Amsterdam, the Netherlands, (Conference Proceedings)
- Onofrei, A. and Psychogios, A. (2008), Managing Innovation in Small medium enterprises in Greece and Romania, International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Regional Development ICEIRD 2008, 8-11 May 2008 FYROM, (Conference Proceedings)
- Fotopoulou, D., Psychogios, A. (2008) The consequences of isomorphic pressures in Greek Higher Education: The Anglo-Saxon Prototypes in Business Studies, National Conference of Business Administration & Economics, Technological Educational Institution (TEI) of Larisa, Faculty of Business Administration & Economics, 4-5 of July 2008, Larisa, Greece (Conference Proceedings)
- Psychogios, A., (2007) TowardsaCountry-SpecificTotalQualityParadigm: Cross National Aspects of TQM: Middle Managers & TQM in Greek Service Industry, 2nd Conference of Administrative Scientist, Modern Trends in Administrative Science: New Public Management, Corporate Social Responsibility & Civil Society, University of Aegean, Department of Business Administration, 11-13 of October 2007, Chios, Greece (Conference Proceedings)
- Psychogios, A., (2007), Quality Management Practices in a Civil Service Context: Towards a Contingency Framework of TQM application, 10th Toulon-Verona Conference on Excellence in Services, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Economics, 3-4 September 2007, Thessaloniki, Greece (Conference Proceedings)
- Wood, G., Psychogios, A. and Fotopoulou, D. (2007),A Londoner in Athens: Transferring Anglo-Saxon Management Knowledge to non-Anglo-Saxon Business Systems, 23rd EGOS Colloquium: Beyond Waltz – Dances of Individuals and Organization, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, 5-7 July 2007 Vienna, Austria, (Conference Proceedings)
- Bibikas, D., Paraskakis, I, Psychogios, A. and Vasconselos, A. (2007), Emerging Web 2.0 technologies and management techniques: towards a holistic model of decentralized enterprise Knowledge Management, EURO XXII - 2007 European Conference on Operational Research, Knowledge Management Stream, 8-11 July 2007, Prague, Czech Republic, (Conference Proceedings)
- Fotopoulou, D., Psychogios, A. and Wood, G. (2007),Issues & Challenges in Knowledge Transfer of Anglo-Saxon Management Models & Concepts in Non-Anglo-Saxon Business Environments: 2nd Annual South East European Doctoral Program, June 22-23 2007, Thessaloniki, Greece (Conference Proceedings)
- Psychogios, A. and Onofrei A. (2006), Exploring the Importance of Middle Managers’ Leadership Style in the Hotel Industry, 24th EuroCHRIE Congress: In Search of Excellence for Tomorrow’s Tourism, Travel & Hospitality, The Hospitality & Tourism Educators – University of Aegean, October 2006, Thessaloniki, Greece (Conference Proceedings)
- Psychogios, A. and Michalopoulos N. (2005), Implementing Private Management Practices in A Civil Service Context: Lessons for the application of Total Quality Management in the Greek public organizations, International Institute of Administrative Science, Third Specialized Conference, Workshop IV: Productivity & Quality in the Public Sector, September 2005, Berlin, Germany (Conference Proceedings)
- Psychogios, A. (2005), Towards A Measure of Assessing Managers’ Awareness of Total Quality Management, Third International Workshop on Supply Chain Management & Information Systems, July 2005, Thessaloniki, Greece (Conference Proceedings)
- Psychogios, A. and Michalopoulos N. (2002), Knowledge Management and Public Organisations: How well does the coat fit?, Third European Conference in Organizational Knowledge, Learning and Capabilities, April 2002, Athens, Greece, (Conference Proceedings)
- Psychogios, A. (2002), Total Quality Management in Public Services: Evidence from Greece, International Conference of Public Administration, July 2002, Athens, Greece (Conference Proceedings)
- Psychogios, A. (2001), The application of Anglo-Saxon management practices in uncertain business environments, Public Administration Network Conference, June 2001, Laiden, Holland (Conference Proceedings)
- Psychogios, A. (1997), Quality of life in Greece: Research Evidence 1995-1996, National Conference on Health Economics & Management, November 1997, Athens, Greece (Conference Proceedings)
Working Papers:
- Dimitriadis, N. & Psychogios, A. (2019) Brain-Centric Relational Leader: The Role of Consciousness and the Social Brain in Relationship-based Leadership
Non-Refereed Abstracts, Reports & other Publications – in Print
- Dimitriadis, N. and Psychogios, A. (2020) Social Brain-Constructed Relational Leadership: A Neuroscience View of the Leader-Follower Duality. Working Paper 1. Centre for Applied Finance and Economics, Birmingham City Business School.
- Psychogios, A. (2019) Let’s talk about human brain and decision making and…Brexit, Centre for Brexit Studies, Birmingham City University,
- Psychogios, A. (2019) What can Change Management Theory teach us in relation to the Brexit Process? Centre for Brexit Studies, Birmingham City University,
- Psychogios, A. (2018) Can SMEs Retain Talent During the BREXIT Period Process? Centre For Brexit Studies, Birmingham City University,
- Psychogios A. (2017) In Search of Illusions of Leadership, Kogan Page -
- Szamosi, L. and Psychogios, G.A. (2012), “Is Knowledge, Adaptability, and Resilience the Key to Survival Today? Yes, yes, and yes!!”Blic May 26, 2012 Page 6 (in Serbian)
- Szamosi, L. and Psychogios, G.A. (2011), “Romania about China: To fear or not to fear?”, Cariere & Leadership, February 2011 (in English)
- Tsironis, L. and Psychogios, G.A. (2009), “Modern Methods in Operations Management: Lean Six Sigma Approach”, Newspaper TA NEA, Monday 6th of April 2009 (in Greek)
- Psychogios, G.A. (2007), “Human Resource Development: The key success factor in the age of change”, Newspaper: AGGELIOFOROS, Sunday 27th of May 2007 (in Greek)
- Psychogios, G.A. (2006), “Electronic Governance and Administrative Reform”, Newspaper: KATHIMERINI, BUSINESS, Saturtday 21st of January 2006 (in Greek)
- Psychogios, G.A. (2005) Book Review: “Panagiotis Karkatsoulis (2004), The State Under Transformation: From Administrative Reform to New Public Management and Governance, Series: Politics and Policy in the 21st Century”, Administrative Science Review, vol. 11 (in Greek)
- Mpitzenis, A. and Psychogios, G.A. (2005), “Economy of Market Reforms: The Dilemma of Shock Therapy or Gradualism”, Liberal Emphasis, vol. 24, July-August-September
- Psychogios, G.A. and Michalopoulos, N. (2002), “Managing Knowledge in Greek Public Organizations”, Greek Economist, vol. 26, 29/06/2002 (in Greek)
- Psychogios, G.A., and Mpertoli, D. (1995) Towards a Common System of Social Security in EU? (1995), Greek Economist, vol, 47, 14/11/1995 (in Greek)
Work With Industry
Funded Research Projects:
- 2011-2015: Spin-Outfinancial support of innovative knowledge intensive companies. General Secretary of Research & Technology, Greek Ministry of Economic Development, PIs: Psychogios, A. Papageorgiou, E. & Stratigakis, N. – Total Funding: 422,151.54 €
- 2012-2016: New Innovative Entrepreneurship funding for the development of two business-oriented ICT products. General Secretary of Research & Technology, Greek Ministry of Economic Development, PIs: Psychogios, A. Papageorgiou, E. & Stratigakis, N. – Total Fundings: 165.460,82 €
- 2007-2010: SUMMIT II: Business Incubation & Management Training Institute, Theme: Training Needs Assessment of Incubator & Business Centers Managers. Lenardo da Vinci Programme, European Union, PIs - Psychogios, A. Szamosi, L.T., Zacharis, N. - Total Funding: 170,000 €
- 1998-2002: Greek State Research Scholarships Grant, Greek State Scholarship's Foundation, Pis: Psychogios, A. – Total Grant: 40,000 €
- 1998-2000: Greek Organization for Employment Research Grant, Greek Organization for Employment, Pis: Psychogios, A. – Total Grant: 20,000 €
Edition of Special Issues in Academic Journals:
- Edited by: Wood, G., Wilkinson, A, Psychogios, A. & Szamosi, L. (2010). Human Resource Management in the European Periphery: The Situation in South-Eastern Europe, International Journal of Human Resource Management
- Edited by: Wood, G., Psychogios, A. & Szamosi, L. (2010). Employee Relations in South East European Countries, Employee Relations
- Edited by: Wood, G., Fang-Peng, L. Psychogios, A. & Szamosi, L. (2011). HRMizing Economies of Transition: HRM Practice-Based Learning in Multinationals, Human Resource Management Journal
- Edited by: Prouska, R., Chatrakul Na Ayudhya, U., Beauregard, A., Psychogios, A. & Nyfoudi, M. (2021). Conceptualising the Nexus between Macro-level ‘Turbulence’ and the Worker Experience in Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management Journal
Invited Speaker:
- Key-note speech on Brain Science in Service of Academic Leadership, International Digital Conference 2020, University of South Asia, 11 September 2020, Online
- Invited speech on Brain Science & Leadership, Trivago Academy, 29 August 2019, Dusseldorf, Germany
- Invited speech on Brain Science & Leadership, European Association of Business, 15 September 2018, Kiev, Ukraine
- Invited speech on Brain Science & Leadership, American Chamber of Commerce, 15 January 2016, Belgrade, Serbia.
- Invited Lecture for MBA/PhD students on Advanced Research Methods in Athens University of Business & Economics (AUEB), Athens June 2008.
- Invited speech about Total Quality Management in the Health Care Industry: Towards a Three-Fold Model of TQM Application, at the 2nd South Eastern Europe Conference on Health Service Management, 20-22 November 2008 Beograd, Serbia.
- Invited Round Table Discussant Expert to City College Spring Student Symposium on Technology and Social Sciences, May 2007.
- Participation in a Public Speech Organized by the Municipality of Thessaloniki about “The Modern Management of Health Services”, Topic: Strategic Management & Organizational Design of Health Services, June 2005, Thessaloniki, Greece
- Participation in a Public Speech Organized by the Municipality of Thessaloniki about “Leadership in Modern Organizations”, Topic: The Transformational Role of Women in Modern Companies, September 2007, Thessaloniki, Greece
- Presentation to staff at City College (Affiliated Institution of the University of Sheffield): The Inter-relationship Between Research & Teaching, September 2007
Reviewer in the following list of Journals and Conferences:
- Human Relations
- British Journal of Management
- Human Resource Management Journal (UK)
- International Journal of Human Resource Management
- International Journal of Enterprise Network Management
- International Journal of Career Development
- International Small Business Journal
- Journal of Management Research review
- Journal of Business Ethics
- The TQM Journal (former The TQM magazine)
- Journal of Quality and Reliability Management
- Reviewer in the Academy of Management Conference
- Reviewer in the European Academy of Management Conference
- Reviewer of European Group of Organisation Studies
Reviewer for the following Institutions:
- FP7 EU Programmes
- Romanian Ministry of Education
- Greek Ministry of Education
- Cyprus Ministry of Education
Provider of Professional Training:
- (In all of the seminars below the audience were CEOs, top and middle level managers from both private and public sector)
- October 2021: 2-days seminar on Neuroscience for Leaders, European Business Association, Ukraine
- October 2020: Leadership Development Seminar, DTek, Ukraine
- October 2019: Leadership Development Seminar, A1 Sofia, Bulgaria
- September 2018: 2-days seminar on Brain Adaptive Change for European Business Association in Kiev, Ukraine.
- June 2018: 2-days seminar on Neuro-leadership for European Business Association in Kiev, Ukraine.
- June 2018: 2-days in-house training on Complexity Management & Neuro-leadership for SKF company in Lutsk, Ukraine.
- April 2017: Speech on Complexity Management & Organizations, Technological University of Athens, Greece
- October 2017: Leadership Development Seminar, MTel, Sofia, Bulgaria
- June 2017: 2-days seminar on Neuro-leadership for European Business Association in Kiev, Ukraine.
- March 2017: 4-days Leadership & Organizational Change Executive Workshop, Hong Kong
- April 2016: 4-days Leadership & Organizational Change Executive Workshop, Muscat, Oman
- February 2016: 4-days Leadership & Organizational Change Executive Workshop, Manama, Bahrain
- September 2015: 4-days Leadership & Organizational Change Executive Workshop, Singapore
- May 2015: 3-days seminar of leadership development of top managers of Rawabi Holding Company, Al Khobar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- May 2013: Leadership Development Seminar, MTel, Sofia, Bulgaria
- December 2012: Leadership Development Seminar, MTel, Sofia, Bulgaria
- January 2012: Leadership Development Seminar, MTel, Sofia, Bulgaria
- 2004-2012: series of seminars in the Greek National Centre of Public Administration, Thessaloniki, Greece. Teaching Courses for Middle and Top Level Public Managers on issues like: Human Resource Management & Leadership, Total Quality Management in Public Services, Implementing the Common Assessment Framework in Public Organizations, Public Sector Strategy, and Balance Scorecard in Public Sector
- December 2011: Instructor of 5-days seminar on Total Quality Management & EFQM in NHS Hospital (ACHEPA) in Thessaloniki, Greece
- February 2011: Instructor of a two-days seminar on Performance Management, Organised by Business Edu in Bucharest, Romania
- October 2010: seminar for the Bulgarian HR Association on Maximum Performance Management, Sofia, Bulgaria.
- March 2010: seminar on Total Quality Leadership, Bucharest, Romania
- December 2009: seminar on Total Quality Management Application in the Military Organisations, Thessaloniki, Greece
- June 2009: seminar on Human Resource Management & Total Quality Management in Helexpo, Hellenic SA, Thessaloniki, Greece
- May 2009: seminar on Leadership & Performance Management, HR Directors in North Greece, Serres, Greece
- February 2009: seminar on Complexity Leadership and Chaos Management, Athens, Greece
- November 2008: Supporting People through Organizational Change in NHS Hospitals, Belgrade, Serbia.
- April 2007: seminar of Cultural Change and Leadership in a group of retailing SMEs in North Greece, Thessaloniki, Greece
- February 2007: seminar on Performance Management, Olymbia Electronics SA, Thessaloniki, Greece
- September 2006: seminar on Leadership in Service Industry, Athens, Greece
- May 2006: seminar on Total Quality Management in NHS Hospitals, Hellenic Association of Business Administration, Department of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece
2011–2012: Coordinator of a consulting team for Ricoh International: Country Marketing and Position Analysis: Evaluating market entry during crisis. Ricoh, Netherlands. Delivered March 2012.
- Developing of team
- Planning and implementing activities and targets
- Design marketing research
- Analysing results
- Writing-up the report
2004-2007: Participation in Public Management Consultancy Projects:
European Center of Constitution Law: Restructuring Government Departments
The Greek National Centre of Public Administration: Implementation of the Common Assessment Framework in Public Organizations
- Design research
- Collecting data
- Analysing results
- Writing-up the reports
2004-2008: Scientific Advisor of a Greek Member of Parliament, Greek Parliament, Athens, Greece.
- Consulting on public policy issues