Dr Vivek Indramohan

Associate Professor and Course Lead - Biomedical Engineering
- Email:
- vivek.indramohan@bcu.ac.uk
- Phone:
- +44 (0)121 202 4538
With an overseas research student award (ORSAS) and University of Strathclyde scholarship, Vivek completed his Ph.D. (in Bioengineering) in 2009. Following the completion of his research degree, he commenced his work as a Research Assistant at University College of London (UCL) for 6 months, during which he was successful in obtaining a remarkable and valuable opportunity as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the Centre for Health and Social Care Research at the Birmingham City University. During this period, he was engaged in undertaking biomechanical investigation of one of the patented medical devices designed by BCU.
In addition, during the same period Vivek also undertook substantial plan of action to identify and accomplish various professional needs so as to emerge as a successful academic member of staff within the faculty. This eventually allowed him to contribute to various learning, teaching and research activities for undergraduate nursing students within the Faculty of Health, Education and Life Sciences.
Current Activity
While Vivek is constantly adopting, applying and further developing various areas of professional / academic practice, substantially informed by ‘Robust Research Methods’, with an aim to enhance student engagement and employability,
- Currently Vivek is an overseas link tutor and an academic advisor for the Level 6, Validated, Top-up degree programme in Biomedical Engineering, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Previously Vivek contributed as a project manager and a principle investigator for the ‘Surgeon’s Headgear Project’.
- Vivek was also a principal Investigator in three pedagogic research projects which secured funding from the faculty, to investigate the experience of students undertaking Bioscience / STEM curriculum and preparing for their future employability.
- Vivek is also an active member of; faculty ethics committee, faculty international strategy development committee and faculty collaborative provisions committee.
Areas of Expertise
- Science/engineering
- Research management
- Project management
- Medical device investigation
- Numerical methods
- Statistical analysis
- Quantitative and qualitative research
- Technical/information technology
- PhD in Bioengineering - University of Strathclyde
- Master of Science – Biomedical Engineering- Keele University, United Kingdom. Grade awarded: Distinction Division
- Bachelor of Engineering in Instrumentation and Control, Madras University, India. Grade awarded: First Class Division.
- University of Birmingham certified Entrepreneurial training programme (MEDICI) in converting research and innovation into business.
- Institute of leadership and management (ILM) certified ‘Level 3 Award in Leadership & Management'.
- Accredited Member of Institute of Engineering and Technology (MIET), UK.
- Accredited Member of Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (MIPEM), UK.
- Fellow of Higher Education Academy (FHEA), UK
- Faculty investigative case officer for academic misconduct
- Member of International society of Biomechanics (ISB) and have been significantly to this professional society by participating and disseminating research findings in various international congress meets.
- Accredited member of market research society (MMRS).
Previously, Vivek completed his postgraduate qualifications in learning and teaching in higher education:
- Birmingham City University Certified Postgraduate Diploma in Learning and Teaching.
- Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA) Certified Advanced Academic Practice in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education.
- Birmingham City University Certified Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching/ Higher Education Academy Fellowship.
Alongside he is engaged in various activities pertaining to learning and teaching, Quality Assurance and Staff training and development as listed below:
- Working with international partners and ensuring the quality matters in the design and delivery of modules and programmes.
- Design, delivery and training of staff in using learning technology and promoting the values of Birmingham City University by sharing advanced academic practice.
- Co-coordinating the management and delivery of undergraduate degree modules and assessments at level 4, 5 and 6.
- Contributing towards the organisation, delivery and development of undergraduate and foundation degree modules as required.
- Working within the nursing team to ensure that educational programmes are delivered to a high standard to students enrolled on programmes of study within the Faculty of Health
- Reviewing the current bioscience learning and teaching methods available for students and contributing to the development of innovative, technology enhanced learning and teaching methods to support students.
- Making appropriate judgements and decisions in relation to students’ academic support, to facilitate the development of the necessary skills and knowledge for effective practice at advanced level
- Moderating exams and examining students on the allocated modules and
- Preparing draft or model examination manuscript and other advanced guidance strategies in liaison with senior academic staff members to enhance, support student learning for an impending clinical examination.
- Mentoring PhD research students in their areas of research and enabling research students to efficiently manage their research learning process and
- Liaising with the senior management staff within the faculty and the Director of Post-graduate studies and undertaking the delivery of bespoke seminars and lunch time seminars for research students, early career researchers and other staff within the faculty as a means to raise research awareness and promote research culture within faculty.
- Pedagogy – student satisfaction, student retention, student progression and student employability
- Learning technology
- Biomechanics, Medical instrumentation and Engineering
Postgraduate Supervision
Previously Vivek has co-supervised MSc in Public Health Exploring obese pregnant women’s perceptions, motivations and barriers for physical activity.
Currently Vivek is co-supervising PhD research work investigating: Ocular nerve sheath ultrasound and impedance threshold therapy in the assessment and management of increased intracranial pressure in pre-hospital medicine
Development of Strathclyde University data logging system (SUDALS) for use with flexible electrogoniometry - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices (Portugal, 2009)
An objective functional assessment of knee using flexible electrogoniometry and the Strathclyde University Data Logging System (SUDALS) for use in Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) - XXII Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (Cape town, 2009)
Inter-rater reliability of SUDALS compared to a commercial data logger in recording the knee kinematics during the activities of daily living – XXIII Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (Brussels, 2011)
A simple clinical method of recording knee kinematics during functional activity using flexible electrogoniometry and the Strathclyde university data logging system (SUDALS) for use in multi-centre RCT’s of TKA - International Conference on Knee Arthroplasty -IMechE (London, 2009).
Towards phase III, multi-centered RCTs of functional outcome of TKA using flexible electro-goniometry: The challenge for the next decade - IMechE (London, 2009).
Exploring the use of mobile technologies for applied bioscience learning in health – The Higher Education Academy – Health and Social Care Conference (June 2013).
Indramohan. V.P et al., Validation of Strathclyde University data logging system (SUDALS); Journal of Medical Engineering and Technology; Vol 33, No: 8, 650-655, Nov 2009.
Indramohan. V.P et al., The aerodynamics of running socks: reality or rhetoric? The Foot, 21:184-187, June 2011.
Indramohan.V.P et al., A technical review on surgeon’s headgear system – The past, present and future, The operating theatre journal, 250:8-11, July 2011.
Indramohan. V.P et al., Are surgeon’s content with the current surgical headgear system? Journal of Medical Engineering and Technology; Vol 36, No: 7, 366-371, Oct 2012.
Indramohan.V.P et al., Engaging Undergraduates in Scholarly Activities: An Action Research Involving Pre-Qualifying Nursing Students; Accepted for Publication by Sage Research Methods, 2017.
Chapman.J, Indramohan.V.P, Khan.S, Students as Academic Partners or Co-researchers: An action research involving pre-qualifying nursing students; Accepted for Publication by Sage Research Methods, 2017.
Work With Industry
As a Programme Lead for Biomedical Engineering, Vivek has established collaborative partnership with various local NHS trusts and Medical Device Technology industries in and around West Midlands, UK.