Expert comment Last updated 16 November 2017

The Birmingham City University Psychology Careers Conference on 15 November was bound to be a great insightful experience.
This was my first solely psychology-based careers conference with expert talks on varying topics.
Of course, as a third-year undergraduate student the pressure is now rising regarding what the future holds and the capabilities and platforms that my BSc will provide.
With this opportunity, I was able to explore different routes and network with inspirational passionate professionals with the same interests as myself. I attended a total of 12 sessions in order to explore many options, as, like many students, I did not know what I would like to do after I graduate, but I’ve learnt that is okay. The sessions were very varied, including topics from social work, postgraduate study, educational, clinical, forensic, sports and exercise psychology, to HR and advice on CV and cover letter writing.
Of course, the conference will have a significant impact on my future - networking has enabled me to gain contact details of professionals which will aid my future and career. The sessions will not make those big decisions or answer questions such as “what should I do after I graduate?”, however, the sessions definitely helped me rule out some routes which I had previously considered and lacked knowledge about.
The PhD talk was most in line with my future career ideas, and it did leave me with a smile on my face as I felt I connected with these professionals and admire their motivation and inspiration. This has encouraged me to apply for a PhD. Going into postgraduate study did seem a daunting thing with questions such as “am I good enough?” and “how do I even apply?” however, the session dedicated to this provided me with confidence, motivation, and the key information that I needed in order to begin a new exciting journey.
Lunch, pizza treats and networking
The conference was brilliant as the day was very long for me from 10am-5pm, however the lunch break that the psychology department put on was brilliant. Tea, coffee and the assorted food was available, catering for vegetarians and also vegans. The networking event after the conference provided a space to talk to many of the professionals who had given talks throughout the day, in a more informal setting of course with countless pizza choices and treats.
Why should you go?
Being pro-active as a student is key, as numerous budding psychologists will all be embarking on a new journey, and having direction will enable you to succeed. Of course, many of us will have big decisions to make and many of us may decide further down the line that we would like to change career paths and this conference has given me all of the relevant information to be able to make an informed decision regarding my future.
The next Psychology Careers Conference is scheduled for 28 February 2018 – keep an eye out for information on Moodle and around the Psychology department!