Behind the scenes at BCU Clearing

University News Last updated 17 August 2012

The hotlines at Birmingham City University have been red hot as thousands of students from across the UK called for advice and guidance following A-level results day.

More than 3,500 calls were made to the University on the first day of Clearing – and BCU’s team of advisers remain on hand while more students are exploring their opportunities and looking to make the right decision for them.

A special news team led by Visiting Professor Donal McIntyre and reporter Robin Powell have created a special report on the University’s Clearing process. Robin interviews students from Barr Beacon School, Walsall, after they receive their A-level results. He also talks to staff from Birmingham City University about clearing, what it entails and how students can benefit from this process. To see the full story visit: or view below.

You can also receive top tips from our digital student guide to Clearing.

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