University News Last updated 06 December 2013

At BCBS, we pride ourselves on our practice based approach, and the co-curricular activities we offer to our students. In November, the faculty organised an ‘Employability Week’ giving students the chance to take a break from their normal academic timetable and take part in a range of workshops, games, guest lecturers, mock assessments and challenges, with fellow students, alumni and representatives from external organisations.
Employability challenge week was definitely challenging! It was a week of meeting new people, making new friends and for me, having the opportunity to work with people I wouldn’t have had the chance to otherwise.
The events were all focussed on improving employability skills, such as team work, networking, presentation skills and working under pressure. As part of the week, prizes were awarded to those students that showed the most outstanding performance, with prizes including iPad minis, which were won by Joshua Poulton, Maya Powell, Thomas Dalton and Ally Hirji.
Employability challenge week brought out the talents within me, something that would not have been possible from day to day lectures and tutorials. I would definitely recommend anyone to make the most out of this week. It is a rare opportunity presented to students to get a feel of the business world outside their comfort zone.
Lots of positive feedback has been received from students that took part, and plans are now in place to repeat and develop the next Employability Week further, which is scheduled to take place in February 2014.
It was a welcome break from lectures and was a fun way of learning skills with incentives such as vouchers, iPads etc.
I loved the employability week. I thought it was very well organised and really provided a lot of information for graduates and students looking for placements.