University News Last updated 11 May 2010

Birmingham City University is just one of 16 universities nationwide to receive additional government funding for student bursaries for post-graduate Planning courses
The increase in funding will mean that more students will now be able to take up careers in town planning and help bridge the skills gap and is the result of a commitment by Planning Minister John Healey to invest £1.8m in post-graduate student bursaries.
The Government scheme began in 2004, with over 600 students completing their post-graduate planning qualification, and this year (2010/11) there is funding that will provide the full tuition fees for over 180 planning students as well contribute towards the cost of living for those students.
Students awarded bursaries are asked to agree to work for two of their first five years of employment after qualifying in the public sector.
Dr Alister Scott, Reader in Spatial Planning at Birmingham City University welcomes the funding. He said: "Planners are now at the forefront of the development and protection of new places and new communities and forging the links of environment, economy and society through the sectors and agencies that bind them all together. It is this new exploration that offers exciting new opportunities for graduates of any persuasion to consider a career in planning where you can make a real difference to places and people’s lives".
Dr Scott also highlighted that many undergraduate degrees provide a solid foundation for a career in planning through a master’s route across the UK but there remains considerable ignorance about the diversity of the planning profession.
"If you care about the environment and want to see how economy, society and the environment connect at international, national, regional, local and community levels, then planning offers a rewarding and stimulating career wherever you choose to study in the UK."
Birmingham City University offers a Masters degree in Spatial Planning and several other areas of property and construction. For further information please log on to
The University also has extensive research in spatial planning with PhD studentships available. For further information please see