Lecturer in Civil Engineering Dr Ehsan Ahmadi recently won the Research Award from the Midland Counties Regional Group of the Institution of Structural Engineers.
The awards ceremony, which was held on Thursday 11 November at the International Convention Centre (ICC) in Birmingham, recognised his work on vibration serviceability.
Each year the Midlands regional group of the Institutue bestows the Research Award to the best research article on Structural Engineering published that year.
Dr Ahmadi’s article ‘Experimental validation of moving spring-mass-damper model for human-structure interaction in the presence of vertical vibration’ concerns joint research between BCU, Monash University (Australia), and the University of Exeter, and focuses on the vibration serviceability of footbridges and floors.
Dr Ahmadi said: “Always live in the higher vibrational frequencies of love, gratitude and possibilities!''
Pictured: (l-r) Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering Dr Mohammad Salami and Dr Ehsan Ahmadi.