Students chosen to represent software design giants


Four Architecture students were recently selected to support CAD software providers Nemetschek Vectorworks at the Ecobuild 2015 trade show.

BA (Hons) Architecture Programme Director, Victoria Farrow has a strong working relationship with the international company, and they offered her the chance to nominate students to attend the trade show, representing Nemetschek Vectorworks. The students, ranging from undergraduate to postgraduate level were lucky enough to receive an all expenses free trip to the event, and even managed to receive training on the CAD software.

Ryan Steed, Charlotte Taylor, Lauren Raybould and Jamie Green managed the Nemetschek Vectorworks exhibition stands, talked to clients and spectators about the versatility of the CAD software and also gave live demonstrations.

They also had the opportunity to showcase their work as they networked with industry professionals from all over the world, building their contacts and showing off their skills.

Jacqui Smith, Group Marketing Manager at Nemetschek Vectorworks said: “The students were very knowledgeable when speaking to customers about Nemetschek Vectorworks. They were very helpful with all aspects of the trade show, and made sure everything ran smoothly”

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