New thinking inspires policy-makers to meet the eco-challenges ahead

University News Last updated 08 May 2012

New research from Birmingham City University that will potentially help protect our homes and businesses from spiralling fuel costs is being launched at the city’s unique zero carbon house.

Dr Lubo Jankovic from Birmingham City University will be launching his new book on designing zero carbon buildings at a special event on Thursday 10 May at noon, hosted in the pioneering Birmingham Zero Carbon House to highlight the city’s eco-leadership.

The event will showcase Dr Jankovic’s innovative work, which can potentially help deliver zero carbon living to any home - from a Victorian terrace to a modern house.

The speakers will include:

  • Mr John Christophers, a Birmingham architect who designed the retrofit of his own Victorian house into a zero carbon house;
  • Roger Godsiff, MP for Birmingham Hall Green;
  • Professor Ruth Reed, from Birmingham School of Architecture at Birmingham City University and Immediate Past President of the RIBA;
  • Professor Chris O’Neil, Executive Dean of the Birmingham Institute of Art and Design, part of Birmingham City University;
  • Dr Lubo Jankovic, Reader in Sustainable Design at Birmingham School of Architecture.

I believe that this book will help with culture change, from the perception that the climate change arising from carbon emissions is almost an impossible problem to solve to the understanding that it is perfectly possible to design new or retrofit zero carbon buildings using existing technologies.”
Dr Lubo Jankovic

Eco changes will improve quality of life

“Birmingham has been leading the way in its response to the climatic challenges that lie ahead and Birmingham City University has been a committed partner, providing the research to help make the ideas become a reality,” said Dr Jankovic.

“We look forward to continuing this work and ensuring the city retains it eco-leadership because this work is crucial to improving the quality of life for millions of people, as well as having the potential to create new jobs as part of a sustainable economy.

His structured method for zero carbon design integrates technical, economic and social aspects into a meaningful whole. This research will help designers and policy-makers to overcome the challenges of making homes non-polluting and financially rewarding.

He added: “Using this method, designers can start making a difference today.”

For further information and pictures from the book launch hosted at the Zero Carbon Home – you can visit

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