Exhibiting at New Designers

University News Last updated 16 July 2018

A key element in studying BA (Hons) Product and Furniture Design is the opportunity to showcase your work to key members of industry. The culmination of three years hard work and exploration leads to exhibiting in the Inspired Festival, with selected students then going on to represent the course at New Designers in London.

New Designers is a showcase of emerging creatives and an ideal platform to have your work viewed by industry professionals. A number of household names attend the awards to recognise the student work through awards and commendations including John Lewis, Lego and Hallmark. Sponsors of the exhibition include Porsche, Kingfisher and Sainsbury’s.

We met with three final year students to find out more about the exhibition, and how they were feeling meeting with some big profile industry names.

“It is exciting!” Mona said whilst meeting visitors on the stand. “In previous years we've heard a lot about New Designers, so to be able to join this celebration of work is amazing. Looking around and being part of such a big exhibition is really exciting and a great opportunity" 

Fellow student Jodie agreed, saying:

The BA (Hons) Product and Furniture Design course ensures students are ready for interacting with industry; with live projects, exhibitions and discussing their work. “It’s really interesting to hear the industry perspective on the work, asking more about the processes. Earlier in the year we were able to exhibit at Minima in the Jewellery Quarter, where we had an open evening and spoke to the industry there. It was really helped with when we came to doing the graduate show and then New Designers. That was really useful” Laura explained.

To finish, Laura had some recommendations for anyone considering studying the course: “Keeping on top of being professional whenever you can. Use Instagram to showcase your work, show the world what you’re doing! Also look at keeping your portfolio up-to-date is important and always be on the look-out for internships. That guides you to what you can do in the future.”

Congratulations to all of our students for an excellent exhibition.

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