University News Last updated 19 July 2012

Two Architecture students from Birmingham City University have been recognised at the House of Commons following their recent success in this year’s JCT Student Essay Competition.
Carly Barrow and Cerianne Thorneycroft, both students on the PgDip Architectural Practice at the Birmingham Institute of Art and Design, entered the Joint Contracts Tribunal (JCT) student essay competition last month with both students successfully scooping prizes.
The competition was open to all UK registered students studying a construction related programme. Entrants were asked to submit an essay on one of two topics - A vision for the future of construction or the future of construction contract management in the digital age. Carly was announced as one of the winners and Cerianne a runner-up.
Carly said. “Receiving the award at the House of Commons brought home how important the topic of the essay is to the future of the construction industry. It was a good opportunity to meet others in the industry, several of whom have asked to read my essay following the event!”
Carly and Cerianne received their awards at a special prize giving ceremony as part of JCT’s annual Construction Industry Parliamentary Reception at the House of Commons on Wednesday 12 July.