The focus of Laura’s teaching responsibilities includes supporting the BSc (Hons) PGDip SCPHN course. In addition, she supports teaching and learning of the undergraduate and postgraduate nursing, midwifery and social work programmes within the Faculty of Health, Education and Life Sciences.
Maguire L (2017) “Well, she is a midwife and she does have kids, so she should know”: Reflexive challenges and encounters in the field: ‘It’s a Family Affair’: Researching with Families BSA regional postgraduate event, BCU, co-convened 23rd June 2017 (presentation given)
Maguire L (2017) Negotiating [multiple birth] family practices during the first five years: BSA Human Reproduction Study Group Annual Conference, Leicester DMU, attended 23rd May 2017 (presentation given)
Maguire L (2016) Using creative, visual and participatory methods as a ‘way into’ connecting with the multiple birth community: 12th Annual Health Research Conference, BCU, attended 30th November 2016 (presentation given)
Maguire L (2016) “What about us?” Preliminary findings of the experiences and voices of multiple birth families during the first five years: Unite-CPHVA Annual Professional Conference 2016, Telford, attended 15-16th November 2016 (presentation given)
Maguire L (2016) What about us?’ Experiences of multiple birth families during the first five years: Family Health Research Cluster attended 21st June 2016 (presentation given)
Maguire L (2015) 6th International Conference on Community Health Nursing Research (ICCHNR) Seoul, South Korea 19-21 August. ICCHNR presentation Synopsis
Maguire L (2015) An exploration of how parents meet the challenges of parenting multiples during the first five years following birth: Multiple Birth Families: Providing the Specialist Care They Need Conference attended 24th February 2015 (presentation given)