Amrik Singh

Network Consulting Engineer, Cisco Systems

Graduated in 2010

As a network consulting engineer for technology giant Cisco with five years’ study at Birmingham City University behind him, Amrik Singh believes he chose the best place to study computer networking.

Amrik Singh was awarded the Faculty's Undergraduate Computer Networking Award for outstanding achievement, having graduated with First Class honours on the BSc (Hons) Software Design and Networks degree.

One of the major themes on that course was Computer Networking, which follows the Cisco Systems Networking curriculum. He excelled in this area, both in his contributions to tutorial discussions and in achieving remarkably high average marks in the assessments. Also exceptional was his final-year project, in which he became an ‘ethical hacker’ to test the network security of a small business, resulting in a comprehensive series of recommendations which were adopted by the company concerned.

The next step was study at Master’s level, during which Amrik was offered an 11-month internship with Cisco alongside his studies. Clearly, he impressed – as Cisco then offered him an Associate Network Consulting Engineer role.