Lynsey Melville

Director of the Global Environmental Challenges Research Group, Lead of Bioresource and Bioeconomy Research Group (BBRG), Senior Researcher
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- 0121 331 5457
Dr Lynsey Melville is Professor of Environmental Engineering in the Faculty of Computing Engineering and Built Environment. She leads the Biotechnology and Environmental Engineering research group whose focus is on accelerating the adoption of environmentally sustainable and commercially viable energy from biomass.
Lynsey is an interdisciplinary researcher with a strong commercial focus, working alongside some of the world’s largest engineering and utility companies and driving over £2million worth of externally funded research and innovation work.
Her vision is to utilise her knowledge, experience and skills to improve the resilience of communities in both the developed and developing world by fostering inclusive, humanitarian engineering approaches to the management and utilisation of biomass.
With expertise spanning various areas of environmental engineering (from water and wastewater treatment, organic waste management and bioenergy production) she has provided expert support to both industry and academia and her work has sought to bridge the gap between the two as a technology transfer consultant and as co-founder of a University spin-out company.
Current Activity
Design and Optimisation of Anaerobic Digestion Processes – This work focuses on evaluation of the biomethane potential of biomass from a variety of sources. Lynsey’s work has focused on pre-treatment as well as conversion (from small scale BMP tests to longer term dynamic assessment at bench, pilot and full-scale). Her work has included assessment of novel biomass such as macroalgae (Seaweed), food waste and sewage sludges. A summary of our recent BBSRC BIV project can be found here.
Development of Decision Support Tools for the Bioenergy Domain - Working closely with the knowledge-based engineering group and a broad range of stakeholders the aim of this work is to capture data and information from across the whole bioenergy delivery chain. The outcome of this work is the development of a number of innovative and adaptive decision support systems (from bioresource maps to economic tools and visualisations) which will enable stakeholders to identify optimal sites, partners and markets and develop project plans which are tailored to regional conditions. These projects include EnAlgae, BioenNW and AlgAD.
Humanitarian Engineering and Energy for Development –Lynsey has established a number of initiatives and programmes with consortiums in both developed and developing countries to explore the potential to synergise waste, agricultural and energy sectors through the development of sustainable bio-based economies. This work aims to build resilience by reducing the environmental impact of waste, supporting economic development and enhancing social wellbeing within communities. Collaborative projects are being developed in Indonesia, Bangladesh and Kenya.
Areas of Expertise
- Anaerobic Digestion
- Biomass and Bioenergy
- Organic Waste Management
- Wastewater treatment
2010 - Post Graduate Certificate (PGCert) – Learning and Teaching in HE. Birmingham City University.
2003 - PhD – EPSRC case award - Acid Washing of Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) and its Impact on Drinking Water Quality, University of Wolverhampton/ Imperial College London.
1998 - BSc(hons) Environmental Science Plymouth University.
- Member of Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges (EAUC)
- Member of the European Algal Bioenergy Association (EABA)
- Member of Engineers Without Borders (EWB)
- Associate Member -Women’s Engineering Society (WES)
- STEM ambassador
- UNICEF children’s champion
Lynsey established the Biotechnology and Environmental Research group in 2010 and since then the group has generated over £2million in research income from a variety of sources. The group works with over 40 partners internationally and operates from two state of the art laboratories at Millennium Point. The interdisciplinary team of researchers includes academic staff, post-doctoral researchers and PhD students within CEBE.
Current PhDs:
- Aminu Bature – Opportunities to establish low tech algae-based markets in developing countries.
- Ugochukwu Chibuisi – Algae biotechnology – design and development of novel low-tech solutions for developing countries.
- Tania Islam– Indicators of Success and Failure of AD plants in Bangladesh.
- Arifur Rahman – Formal and informal waste management practices in Bangladesh – Textiles waste
- Suhartini S, Rohma NA, Santoso I, Paul R, Listiningrum P, Melville L. Food waste to bioenergy: Current status and role in future circular economies in Indonesia. Energy, Ecology and Environment. 2022. (awaiting publication online)
- Bature A, Melville L, Rahman KM, Aulak P. Microalgae as Feed Ingredients and a Potential Source of Competitive Advantage in Livestock Production: A review. Livestock Science. 2022:104907.
- Sri Suhartini and Novita Ainur Rohma and Efri Mardawati and Kasbawati and Nur Hidayat and Lynsey M. Biorefining of oil palm empty fruit bunches for bioethanol and xylitol production in Indonesia: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2022;154:111817.
- Rahman KM, Melville L, Edwards DJ, Fulford D, Thwala WD. Determination of the Potential Impact of Domestic Anaerobic Digester Systems: A Community Based Research Initiative in Rural Bangladesh. Processes. 2019;7(8):512.
- Rahman KM, Edwards DJ, Melville L, El-Gohary H. Implementation of Bioenergy Systems towards Achieving United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals in Rural Bangladesh. Sustainability. 2019;11(14):3814.
- Bature A, Melville L, Mizanur Rahman K, Akhtar J, Aulak P. An Investigation into the Effects of Risks and Risk Management of Bioenergy Projects. E3S Web Conf. 2018;61:00006.
- Feroz Ferazi, Craig Chapman, Pathmaswaran Raju, Melville L. Ontology-based faceted semantic search with automatic sense disambiguation for bioenergy domain. International Journal of Big Data Intelligence. 2018;5:62-72.
- Stiles WAV, Styles D, Chapman SP, Esteves S, Bywater A, Melville L, et al. Using microalgae in the circular economy to valorise anaerobic digestate: challenges and opportunities. Bioresource Technology. 2018;267:732-42.
- Rahman KM, Melville L, Fulford D, Huq SI. Green-house gas mitigation capacity of a small scale rural biogas plant calculations for Bangladesh through a general life cycle assessment:. Water Management and Research. 2017.
- Suhartini S, Melville L, Amato T. Pre-treatment of thickened waste activated sludge (TWAS) for enhanced biogas production via the application of a novel radial horn sonication technology. Water Science and Technology. 2017;75(9):2179-93.
- Paul R, Melville L, Sulu M. Anaerobic digestion of micro and macro algae, pre-treatment and co-digestion-biomass - a review for a better practice. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development. 2016;7 (9):646-50.
- Stiles, W.A.V., Styles, D., Chapman, S.P., Esteves, S., Bywater, A., Melville, L., Silkina, A., Lupatsch, I., Fuentes Grunewald, C., Lovitt, R., Chaloner, T., Bull, A., Morris, C & Llewellyn, C.A., Using microalgae in the circular economy to valorise anaerobic digestate: challenges and opportunities, Bioresource Technology. (2018) 267, 732-42.
- Suhartini, S., Melville, L., Amato, T. Pre-Treatment of thickened waste activated sludge (TWAS) for enhanced biogas production via the application of radial horn sonication technology, Water Science and Technology, (2017), Vol 75.9, pp2179-219
- Rahman, K. M. and Melville, L., Implementation of biomass-based bioenergy project: supporting sustainable development for low income countries. Enerzine 2nd issue, ISSN2518-6485, p45-48, Institute of Energy, University of Dhaka (2018).
- Rahman, K. M., Melville, L., D. Fulford and S M Imamul Huq, Greenhouse gas mitigation capacity of a small scale rural biogas plant: calculations for Bangladesh through Life Cycle Assessment approach Waste Management & Research, p 1-11, (2017).
- Bature, A., Melville, L., and Rahman K. M. Towards Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals through Microalgae – Livestock Systems: A Review. Book of Abstracts 4th International Conference on Agriculture and Forestry, TIIKM, ISSN 2362-1036 Vol. 3, 2017, pp. 27-39. (2017).
- Rahman, K. M., D. Fulford and Melville, L., Evaluating the Potential of Rice Straw as a Co-digestion Feedstock for Biogas Production in Bangladesh. Journal of Advanced Catalysis Science and Technology, Vol 4, p 8-14(2017).
- Rahman, K. M. and Melville, L., Promoting bioenergy production in developing countries through understanding the socio-cultural impacts on domestic internal air pollution and health. The AD Network (BBSRC NIBB) Early Career Researcher Event July 2017, Birmingham. (2017).
- Sapkota, K., Raju, P., Chapman, C., Melville, M., Wright, D., Scott, J. Ontology-based economic models for bioenergy and biofuel projects, 9th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC), February 7 – 9, (2015) Anaheim, CA,
- Melville, L., Raju, P., Byrne, W., Feroz, M., Rahman, K., Challenges of Mapping and Managing Bioresources for Energy in North West Europe, International Materials Research Conference (IMRC) Mexico, August (2017)
- Paul, R., Suhartini, S., Sulu, M., Melville, L., Feasibility of Seaweed and Agricultural Crop waste residues as co-digestion feedstock, International Water Association (IWA) World Conference on Anaerobic Digestion, Beijing, China, October (2017)
- Paul, R., Suhartini, S., Sulu, M., Melville, L., Feasibility of cultivated S. latissimi as a novel co-digestion feedstock. BBSRC AD Net 3rd Early Career Research Conference, Birmingham, July, (2017)
- Farazi, F., Chapman, C., Raju, P., Melville, L., WordNet powered Faceted Semantic search with automatic sense disambiguation for Bioenergy Domain, IEEE, International Conference on Information Systems Engineering, Los Angeles, April (2016)
- Rahman, K. M. and Melville, L., Conference paper titled An Assessment of Rice Straw as a Potential feedstock for Anaerobic Digestion, The AD Network (BBSRC NIBB) Early Career Researcher Event July 2016, Birmingham.
- Rahman, K. M. and Melville, L., Book Section - Anaerobic Digestion Systems. National Renewable Energy Expo, Institute of Energy, Dhaka University, Path to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Energine, 1: vol. 1, p 99-102, ISSN 2518-6485(2016).
- Melville, L, Developing Decision Support for BioenNW, Bioenergy Networks and Biomass potential – Valorising European Biomass, International Conference, Brussels, Sept (2015)
Book Chapter
- Melville, L., Weger A., Wiesgickl S., Franke M., Anaerobic Digestion in: Transformation of Biomass Theory to Practice. Ed. Andreas Hornung, 2014, Wiley Publications.
Media Work
Lynsey Melville is one of the University’s dedicated team of trained media champions, and can comment on a range of subjects including:
- Bio Energy
- Bio Fuels
- Waste to Energy
To arrange a media interview, please contact Birmingham City University Press Office on 0121 331 6738, 07967 271532,
email or via Twitter @BCUPressOffice